Krampus: The Christmas Devil
Krampus: The Christmas Devil
NC-17 | 17 August 2013 (USA)
Krampus: The Christmas Devil Trailers

Jeremy, a local police officer leads a life of a confusing past, spending his current time searching for his kidnapper as a child. After other children begin missing, Jeremy pieces together the truth and realizes that his childhood kidnapper could be a creature of ancient yuletide lore, Krampus, who is the brother of St. Nick, and punisher of children who perform acts of unspeakable evil without repercussion. Can Jeremy kill Krampus and prevent more missing children?

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Michael Ledo Krampus (Brad Weaver) is given a list by his brother Santa (Paul Fern) of bad kids who deserve killing. Jeremy Duffin (A.J. Leslie) was such a kid, but he got away. Now as an adult he is a police deputy and obsessed with finding the child killer. When the killings again start to happen his posse goes hunting.This was a film that was so bad, it was least in several places such as Santa berating a child; the fake heart still beating, and the young Jeremy being dragged in a sack and tossed in a frozen pond. However some of the film plot was undeveloped. What was that bar fight about? The last name on the list- seriously?I liked the opening credits and the music during the opening and closing credits..."We Party with the Elves." The film needed a little extra something. The cop conversation at the bar displayed some really bad acting and dialogue.Would be okay as a Redbox rental.Guide: F-bomb, forced grope, nudity (Playboy's Angelina Leigh)
Leofwine_draca KRAMPUS: THE CHRISTMAS DEVIL is another slice of indie trash cashing in on the now-popular Krampus legend. The story is about a bald cop with a sinister past who investigates the recurrence of a number of missing children cases and soon finds that there might be a supernatural explanation. I had high hopes for this story's plot, but in the end it turns out to be another boring exercise in torture porn tedium, with bad acting throughout and below-par production values. Indie regular Bill Oberst Jr. is the best thing in this but has little to do.
mygrtkdz I'll keep this short. What a waste of time. Horrible movie, terrible acting, bad effects,awful story line. If I were an actor I would be embarrassed to have my name associated with this farce. Maybe the people behind the making of this garbage hate Christmas. Just sorry that I wasted my time.
John Strange The acting was pretty bad, it seemed as if they were just reciting a script with no emotion. The fight scenes were comical, the death scenes were bad, Santa was ...just wow bad. However, as far as horror movies goes, it is not easy to find good ones let alone enough to watch many times per year.With that said, I have learned to set my expectations very low for the horror genre. Even with all of what I said, the film was not that bad. I was still able to watch it without feeling like I was being tortured or without grabbing my phone/tablet and slightly ignoring the film.(I had to add more lines or I was unable to submit this so ignore the rest if you want) I'm not sure why so many people hated this movie, there are plenty of really bad movies out there. I have to assume they don't watch horror as often as I do (at least 1x a week) so they do not appreciate how hard it is to find new/unseen horror movies.
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