Kiss the Sky
Kiss the Sky
R | 26 October 1998 (USA)
Kiss the Sky Trailers

Two professionals, Jeff and Marty, take a business trip to the Philippines. Their deep dissatisfaction with their lives leads them to forsake their friends and families for a return to the alcohol and drug-induced wanderings of their youth.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
browneyedgirl220 It was a very compelling story of 2 friends trying to figure out life. There was some great scenes of romance, heartbreak, and self determination. They do dabble into drugs, both prescription and not. At the end there is a surprise were Jeff ends up.(with his wife) Gary Cole's character ends up traveling to a Buddist monastery and runs into Andy (Sheryle Lee). Jeff does not know whether or not he wishes he was there, but knows he should be with his wife and kids. William Petersen made this movie great, that was the onlyreason I rented it in the first place. Sheryle Lee does a great job,as well as Gary Cole. I think some people will relate to this movie more than others. Sometimes I feel as if I am struggling to find my self as well, so I enjoyed this very much.
daimonmagus This film is one of my favorites about men. So many films in Hollywood today bash men or make us look like fools. Others get preachy toward men. This film portays two men going through a mid life crisis, and does so without becoming preachy or portraying the men as fools or evil. Absolutely fantastic.Also, this film is a wonderful unconventional romance. The two men both fall for the same woman, but rather than making this a problem, they choose to make it a threesome. Sheryl Lee is absolutely smoking hot in this role, and makes the film a sensual masterpiece.The dialogue at certain points is a bit trite or cliche, but the dialog in other parts more than makes up for it. The seduction conversation between Sheryl Lee and William Petersen has some of the best dialogue I've ever heard. The conversations between Petersen and Cole cut the core of a man's heart and gut, and deliver difficult truths around men's experience of modern life.Every man should see this movie, but maybe he should watch it alone or with the guys, lest he cheer at the wrong moment while watching with his wife/girlfriend.
Alan Deikman (Alan-40) It is no secret that many forty-something men are dissatisfied with their lives. And it is no big new plot story for them to run off from their married lives to pursue some new life of enlightenment and adventure. For those reviewers that panned this movie, that's all they got out of it. And if that's all there were to this movie, they'd be right to pan it.Jeff and Marty are very close to each other. It would be impossible for either one of them to act without the other, at least when they start out. They have such a bond that when the much younger love interest shows up, they find a way to share her. The three way sex scenes are tastefully done, and Andy (the delicious Sheryl Lee) is clearly seduced by the idea of having two men in a sense of fun.But they aren't the same guy. This movie is all about how they play off each other. The self-assured Jeff shows just the right amount of vulnerability, and the diffident Marty shows the right amount of insight. These two guys are different parts of a conflicted soul, too complex for a friendly Dutch monk (Terence Stamp) to guide.A movie for adults.
George Parker "Kiss the Sky" is about two middle-aged best friend family men (Petersen & Cole) who, dissatisfied with the routine of their routine but successful lives, take a business/pleasure trip to the Philippines where the bump into Adny (Sheryl Lee) - in more ways than one - and decide to recapture their lost youth and hedonistic ways and live happily ever after in "paradise". Technically and artistically good, the film loses itself in circular logic and ruminations about interpersonal relationships and other sophomoric nonsense. Nonetheless, it seems to be an earnest attempt to show that you can "never go home" and life is a stream, forever changing, never to run up hill. An okay watch not to be taken seriously.