R | 24 October 2000 (USA)
Killjoy Trailers

Deep in an inner city hell, a ghastly figure is killing off the bad guys. A vigilante, or a demon? For the beautiful high school student, Jada, that's the question that will bring her face to face with the killer clown Killjoy.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
wilsonm-83227 I'm truly shocked that some folks actually liked this movie. I can't think of one thing in it that could possibly be considered good. The acting is horrible, the dialogue is cringe inducing, the story....did a six year old write it?You'd hope that at least the movie would make up for it's lack of everything else by making the monster...Killjoy...interesting. Maybe a few gory murders or something. Nope. Even the death scenes are lame. You won't root for the characters or the killers, you'll just wish you hadn't watched this terrible movie. Amazingly this movie had a sequel. I really don't get it...did this movie actually turn a profit? (Maybe it did, as the budget looks like it was around 200 bucks.) It reminds me of Patton Oswalts rant on making a movie.
Leofwine_draca Following on from the likes of DEF BY TEMPTATION and LEPRECHAUN IN DA HOOD, KILLJOY is an all-black horror film from Charles Band's Full Moon Pictures. It's also an resolutely terrible film in every respect, in which the paucity of the budget is apparent in every aspect of the film-making. The calibre of the script is matched by the sheer awfulness of the cheapie CGI effects.The story is a predictable piece of guff in which a young student is bullied by members of a low-rent criminal gang. His revenge comes in the form of Killjoy, a maniac clown with magical powers who proceeds to transport his victims to his evil domain before killing them in various gratuitous and incredibly silly ways.It's amateur night all round here, with some of the most stilted acting you'll have seen in a while, although I admit seeing some of those lousy effects of characters burning up or disintegrating did give me a chuckle or two. Thus KILLJOY isn't the worst horror film after all, just a very poor one.
Lady M If you like cheesy B movies, add this to your watch list. The acting was terrible. To a point where I actually couldn't tell whether the characters were lying to fool the bad guy and intentionally trying to make that obvious to the viewers or not. They were not. It was just really really bad acting. Also, at parts where it was only people having a conversation and no real action happening, the camera man like to wave the camera around wildly. It seemed like it was to make it look more mysterious or dream like, but it really just made me dizzy. However, the clown and the acting of the guy who played the clown were excellent. Most evil clowns in movies are either just plain evil with nothing funny about them, or try to be funny but fail completely. Killjoy has the perfect sick sense of humor for an evil clown. If you enjoy dark humor, I'd suggest watching for his lines alone. The good parts were really good, and the bad parts were so bad that it made them funny. I fully intend to watch the sequels.
Justice Rahl I am one of those people that loves a movie like this, not because of what it is, but because of what it could have been. In this day and age, when everything is getting a big budget reboot, why not throw some money at the writers and turn this into a good movie. The rough outlines of the plot are there, it's not actually a bad story. Just needs a little fleshing out, ya know? Imagine the story if the kills were exciting, and the characters a little less two dimensional. Also, Arthur Burghardt is absolutely brilliant as the homeless man, I think he had a lot of potential. All in all, on my list of "cheesie movies that I could love", this is an 8 out of 10 for me.