Kill Katie Malone
Kill Katie Malone
R | 10 October 2010 (USA)
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College students and best friends Ginger Matheson, Jim Duncan, and Kyle "Dixie" Canning, pool their cash to buy a "ghost" in an online auction. The three think it's all a goof, but once they open up the antique box to examine their "treasure," they unleash the vengeful spirit of an Irish servant girl who has been wreaking havoc on her owners throughout the generations

FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Paul Magne Haakonsen I must admit that I had initially expected a bit more from "Kill Katie Malone" than what actually was presented on the screen. The DVD movie that I acquired was titled "The Haunting of Katie Malone", not "Kill Katie Malone", so needless to say that I had expected more in the ghost and haunting department."Kill Katie Malone" turned out to be a late teenage horror movie laced with elements of supernatural horror in form of an apparition. Was it scary? Far from it. Was it entertaining? Mildly so.I don't really understand why Dean Cain was brandished as headlining on the movie cover, because he was in the movie less than 5 minutes. Sure, I know that it was because he was the most famous of all the cast in the movie, but it was so wrongfully a means of luring people in.The story in "Kill Katie Malone" was a mediocre storyline which really didn't make much sense. It is about an ancient box which contains the malevolent spirit of Katie Malone. Anyone who buys the box will own her spirit and can set her free, but always with a deadly result. Once freed of captivity in the box, the owner can only part with the malevolent spirit by selling the box to someone else.There were aspects of the story that were fair and interesting enough, but the overall picture was one of being less than mediocre. So don't get your hopes up for this movie.The acting in the movie was adequate though, despite the fact that the actors and actresses were struggling with an inadequate storyline and script.For a horror movie, then "Kill Katie Malone" was frightfully devoid of anything scary or capable of making you jump in your seat. So that was an anchor around the movie."Kill Katie Malone" was hardly a memorable movie in any sense, and it wasn't one that left any lasting impression in the horror genre.
fishydnb Damn I'm impressed they manged to make this movie that boring. If you haven't watched already don't, you will just waste 1.5 precious hours of your life. Laughable crappy acting and boring story. I could not bare to watch the whole thing i had to turn it off, or else i might have died of boredom. I would rather watch the wall for 3 hours. What makes it even worse(if that is possible) is that f****** happy teenage American rock music at the party and other. Just like American pie type movie music, f****** terrible. It didn't give off one scare either and that woman in the hallway getting strangled with her tongue out by nothing? haha wtf. Was real comical with the Amish girl ghost standing n the street too, that's when i turned off.
drdeathforpresident Wow! This was a piece of crap. This is Dawson's Creek meets Poltergeist - lots of gooey "love is in the air" b.s. between the two main characters Jim & Ginger who just talk and talk and talk. The movie begins when Dean Cain's daughter brings a small box into the house and tries to destroy it. Well, Katie Malone will not have any of that, by golly, so she kills the daughter and we are now in a dormitory where Jimbo is bidding on said box; he wins and his roommate has a sh*t fit. A teacher dies, a bully dies by the screams of Ms. Malone (by the way, not bad acting by The Hulkster's son.)and a jogger explodes in a park. If anything, you need to see this ONLY for the ghost - adds a creepy feeling to this teenage lust boredom. Kudos for Sylvia Panacione as "Katie Malone." Unfortunately, two cool death scenes does not a movie make.
chaugnurfaugn-269-83012 Prior to actually switching on the movie, this had promise. The premise that somebody might buy a ghost on eBay (or the copyright friendly film version of YouBid) interested me and I was eager to see how the story unfolded.Unfortunately, a promising idea has been sold out to the tune of yet another college/teen horror thriller where a bunch of attractive American teenagers spend half the film running around a college or dorm from some kind of terrifying something that wants to kill them. Feel free to replace terrifying something with 'murderous ghost', 'axe wielding maniac', 'Freddy Kreuger' or whatever. It doesn't matter. The play out is the same and we've all seen it a million times before.Direction is typically brash and predictable, akin to an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer with less camp. Our protagonists make all the usual horror movie victim mistakes and the haphazard introduction of the haunting is far too over-the-top. Too much is shown too soon and the inevitable killing scenes are silly to the point of absurd.There's really nothing new here. An original idea is squandered for the sake of a safe return on the budget (one assumes). The result is something forgettable and bland.