Intense, gripping, stylish and poignant
The movie is wonderful and true, an act of love in all its contradictions and complexity
It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.
The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
"Mystery of Thug Island" is basically a good, romantic adventure story and it boasts the presences of both Guy Madison and Giacomo Rossi-Stuart. Both actors are almost unrecognizable playing handsome Indian characters, the former as the villainous high priest of the blood drinking goddess Kali and the latter as a lowly native snake-hunter. This version is far superior to the awkwardly stultifying 1954 Lex Barker version "Mystery of the Black Jungle" or "Black Devils of Kali" with which it is often confused. The most unlikely and unrealistic part of the plot is Ada's 19th century British pater approving of her marriage to the low-caste native Tremal Naik after he's finally found her after her 15 years of captivity. Not bloody likely! The thughi cult is a fascinating subject better treated in film by "Gunga Din" (1939), "Stranglers of Bombay" (1960), and "The Deceivers (1988, all of which contain much better portrayals.
Wooden acting....ridiculous turbans....stuffy tigers...Guy Madison. I was 7 years old when they made this "lame'o"... thank God I didn't saw in at the youth would've been over in a sec. What a crazy world the grownups can make...!!! Seen letterboxed on Italian tv-channel RaiUno, running 82.00 mins, pal. Took me about 22 mins fast-forwarding on my vcr.