Eden Log
Eden Log
R | 19 May 2009 (USA)
Eden Log Trailers

A man wakes up deep inside a cave. Suffering amnesia, he has no recollection of how he came to be here or of what happened to the man whose body he finds beside him. Tailed by a mysterious creature, he must continue through this strange and fantastic world. Enclosed, Tolbiac has no other option to reach the surface than to use REZO ZERO, secret observing cells in this cemetery-like abandoned mine.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Rachel Smith I picked this movie up thinking it would be an awesome post-apo scifi flick full of cave spelunking and cool technology. Unfortunately it is not this, at all. Seventy percent or so of this movie is spent in pure darkness with things only illuminated with a white silhouette, no dialogue, no action, nothing happening. I was extremely under-stimulated and bored, picking at my fingers or staring back at my reflection in the black screen most of the time. Only a few times did something really grab my attention and make me excited to see more, but these were short lived and the movie quickly reverted back to crawling around in more darkness. This could EASILY be an awesome movie. When I got this movie, it made a big deal about how it is all underground, so I was expecting stalactites, underground waterfalls, formations, lakes, pits, all of which garnished with technology and danger and cool monsters. Caves are beautiful and interesting. Instead, everything is muddy, dark, and gross. The only scifi stuff in here is monsters and some technology that looked like it was from ten years ago. There are a lot of things you can do with such a setting, but instead of opting for adventurous or innovative and creative, instead there was a restrictive color of black and white (those are literally the only colors you will ever see in here). There are some monsters, but they have nearly nothing to do with the plot. The design and atmosphere regarding the monsters is boring and unengaging. Humanoid monsters that lurk out of your view and growl a lot, you say? Infected by a virus, you say? Oh noes! I'm peeing my pants I'm so scared. The only other character has a very interesting reveal. The scene in which they are first shown is the first - and only - break from the constant near-total-darkness, and one of the only times where the plot is actually thickened and your interest is piqued. Unfortunately this scene is short lived, and we're right back to fumbling with the power out. In the last twenty minutes all of the shallow plot elements that they've been hiding from you are all thrown at you at once with no room to breathe or realize exactly what is going on. It was as if they were rewarding you for sitting there with your head in your hands by giving you what you actually came here for! And even then, the plot's secrets are pretty uninteresting and the movie ends on a stupid, confusing note. All in all, this was a big waste of time. Go and learn a new skill or something, read a book, cook a new dish. All of those are gonna be more fun than sitting and looking at two people wander around in darkness. And if you were thinking of this movie for the scifi, like I did, there are TONS of other movies to watch! Go! Put this movie down!
lemon_magic I'll give "Eden Log" credit - the visuals and sound design for this movie are amazing. They create an immersive experience of collapse, chaos, dread, paranoia and confusion that goes a long way on the strength of pancake mud makeup, gloomy lighting, color filters, netting and plastic curtains.Problem: I wish the screenplay didn't to resort to the threadbare plot device of having the protagonist wake up with a case of amnesia - amnesia as a way to preserve the central mystery of the movie has been done to death in everything from "Resident Evil" to "Pandorum" in the last few years.Another problem: I saw the movie on DVD with dubbed English, so it's possible that I missed some verbal cues and some French language context that would have helped the story make more sense. I watch a lot of chewy, difficult movies and I often have the endings of movies figured out 10 minutes after the story begins, and I paid close attention, and I still missed the meaning of some of the plot developments. I finally caught on thanks to the IMDb message boards, but it should not have been necessary.Last, the movie is essentially a parable and a warning about certain aspects of society and the human condition, and is quite heavy handed in the way it delivers its central message. The characters are complete blank ciphers. You can practically see the "message coming in for you, Sir!" arrows zinging off the screen and at your eyeballs. If I want to be beaten over the head with anti-Military/Industrial/consumerist messages, I'll rewatch "Metropolis", which did it better decades ago.Still, this was worth watching at least once just for the visuals and the soundtrack.
Marc Colten I checked the spoiler warning but there's no need. I defy anyone to make a coherent statement about anything in this film that would give anything away. There's no beginning, no middle and no end. Nothing is explained or makes sense on its own. I watched the French version with English subtitles, but I might as well have watched the Swahili version with subtitles in Esperanto. Worse yet, it's filmed in "seizure vision".The only good news is I have a new addition to my list of "Why the French should not be allowed to make science fiction movies" which include - Fantastic Planet, Le Jete, The Fifth Element, Immortal and Alphaville.
jeffpk The first thing that must be said is that this is science fiction, not science fantasy. If you are looking for light and easy escapist fair, give this a big miss.This is not an easily accessible movie, its a movie where you, like the protagonist, are constantly trying to put fragmentary pieces together into a coherent story. Your struggle in your seat to understand what you are seeing parallels his struggles both to understand and to escape. This makes it a very powerful movie but not an easy movie to watch.The film-making here is just top-notch. Done in a muted almost black- and-white pallet it feels brooding and claustrophobic. All of the camera wok is hand-held, but don't worry if "Blair Witch" or "Cloverfield" made you ill, this is mostly steadicam work and thus much less shaky.When the french do science fiction, it always has a strong sense of style and this film certainly qualifies. In this case the style is organic mixed with decaying technology. Sort of Alien-esque in the depths of the earth. The feeling of entombed-ness actually makes it more claustrophobic then Alien was.As many others have commented, something about the film-making ends up "feeling" much like a video game, but this isn't necessarily a bad thing for a generation who has grown up on this kind of story-telling. While it may feel a touch unnatural to some of us older folks, I suspect it works well for its primary audience.All in all, this is a fine movie with a bit of a relevant social allegory to it. You may not understand absolutely everything that you see, but if you are willing to work at it a bit, it will heavily engage you and leave you with things to think about.