Kidnapped for Christ
Kidnapped for Christ
| 09 April 2014 (USA)
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Kidnapped For Christ tells the shocking stories of American teenagers who were taken from their homes and shipped to Escuela Caribe, an American-run Christian behavior modification program in the Dominican Republic. The film centers on David, a straight-A student who was sent to Escuela Caribe because he is gay and his parents can't deal with the situation. When a young evangelical filmmaker is granted unprecedented access to film behind the gates of this controversial school, she discovers shocking secrets and young students that change her life.

Alicia I love this movie so much
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
blaicefreeze My dad essentially tried (and still is trying) to force Catholicism on me since birth, but I couldn't imagine what these kids had to go through and how terrible their parents are. Forsaking your own child and not talking to them for possibly YEARS!?!? This is an infuriating film for the truth it exposes. David was punished by his parents because of a way he feels inside. I hope they enjoy hell, if it is real. Push someone towards religion and they will turn and run as fast as possible, because all I can see now is brainwashed individuals clamoring for something that they cannot properly articulate or even possibly hope to prove. Throw your false condemnations and religious voodoo and I'll walk away shaking my head.
dansandini For a little independent free on Prime film, this one really packs a wallop. Don't think reeducation camps exist in modern America: think again. Kids taken against their will and shuttled off to foreign nations where they have no rights: outside the help of US Authotities. Think these are troubled kids who deserve what they are getting? Think again. We're introduced to David who is being hidden from his parents rich friends because he embarrasses them because he is gay. He left the U.S. involuntarily with a 4.0 GPA. What is Tue world.coming to you.Teach your kids that if they are ever taken outside the country against their will they still have their unalienable rights as free men! Get to a U.S. Embassy!God help these kids and their friends as they begin their healing process.
pluslife GITMO for Kids - Monster's using God & Abusing the Bible for Economic Gain!Excellent Documentary! Way more than fair with this Monstrous Cult that are using God and Abusing the Bible for Economic Gain and to allow Megalomaniac Power Freaks to meet their selfish need to Exert Control and Abuse Other's which their target is teens and kids. Typical for such bullies and cults, they always target people they have physical and psychological power over.The techniques are 101 mind control and brainwashing, used by regimes of past and cults of past. The ends do not justify the means, there are legitimate techniques available. These places leave the USA for good reasons, they know they are abusing children and holding adults hostage. These so called employees and the director(s) and all who are invested in these places need to be put in prison and sued for every dime they have and will ever make. They are criminals who are abusing US kids and holding US adults hostage, with no judicial process by the US Legal System. Glorified GITMO for kids who may have behavior problems or just wrong sexual orientation for backward parents. These kids, teens and adults being held and abused are not criminals or domestic terrorist, they have Human Rights! Here is a legitimate use of Military power to rescue our citizens and to take the criminal operators in custody for judicial action or they can be treated as combatants as far as I am concerned.Please go to the site (!action/c18rg) and TAKE ACTION NOW! My god, if you are a Christian or not this is all wrong and not anything but abuse for profit. How can a place in a 3rd world nation cost 72K which is 10K more than Harvard and there is no amenities's and the kids just do all the labor plus make work to further exert power by sociopaths running a cult. The staff has no training and are not qualified to babysit much less discipline, educate, raise, doctor or meet the mental health issues some kids come with and certainly all kids leave with.Every Church needs to show this documentary to all parents and kids, so they know what not to ever do and to make sure kids know that such places or people who use such techniques are not okay. This is all wrong. Those who went through the program and support it are those who have been brainwashed and the mind control succeeded on. It is the fault of the people who are adults that run these places and those who promote them, with parents who are accountable as well for failure to attend to your child's needs and ship them off to a 3rd world country and put in the hands of monsters running a cult. The capacity of such places to operate outside the US, taking US Kids and messing their minds, emotions and very innocence up need to be stopped and shut down and the people held accountable by US Laws and standards. We owe the kids of the US protection from abuse and misguided parents who are being hoodwinked or who are not competent to parent and so the kids need a proper option over such draconian places where it is nothing but a place where bullies can act out their fantasies and promoters have ridiculous profit margins and the US will eventually end up with the long-term care for many of these kids who come back mentally scarred and will eventually show the signs of such abuse in differing ways. The old saying the abused often becomes the abuser is very true and noted for good reason.This is a Jim Jones for kids and young adults. Just look at how they acted when they were confronted with people wanting the release of just one adult. They have even changed their name which that right there shows they are running a seedy operation knowingly since that is a common technique used by criminal enterprises in the US. What will they do when or if they are confronted with government intervention? I say watch out for the bitter KoolAid Kids. Not trying to be funny or cute, this is a real threat with people like this and their control is threatened. They can not handle anyone questioning them and those who do are seen as the devil and there is a real threat they may take the kids out and then themselves. They promote and even demand B/W thinking by students and the staff see's life in such terms which is very dangerous mindsets for anyone to have, much less those who hold control over kids and are forming youths minds. These people who run these places are not mentally healthy and are a real threat to those under their control and those who try and remove their ability to control will be seen as threats.These places need to be shut down, we must stop allowing people to take kids by force out of the US, we need to hold these place and the people fully responsible and parents need to be warned and even hold them accountable the same as if they left a child un-cared for properly in the US. This must stop and we owe kids protection from such places!
IncaCaptive Enlightening film and very well made. It's most surprising to me how much the "school" let the cameras in. Clearly the folks running these types of facilities are not too aware of the effects of their actions, or worse, maybe they do. So sad this happens. I wish I could find out what happened to David and some of the other kinds in the program. I'm glad to see the former alumni are uniting to expose this type of cruelty.Sorry to the one reviewer who was offended by the title of the film, but too bad. I know good Christians. But so much harm has come to humans in the name of "god," even from those who follow the King James bible. The film's title is absolutely fair.