Keith Lemon: The Film
Keith Lemon: The Film
| 24 August 2012 (USA)
Keith Lemon: The Film Trailers

With dreams of becoming a successful entrepreneur just like his beloved Richard Branson, Lemon bids farewell to his hometown of Leeds and heads for the capital. When he becomes an overnight billionaire, it seems everything is going his way, but it's not long before he discovers that life can be just as cruel as it is kind.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
niallsheridan Good news Keith Lemon fans Keith Lemon's Very Brilliant World Tour, Celebrity Juice and Lemon La Vida Loca Keith Lemon finally gets his own film! I know this got bad reviews but I thought it was a great laugh and a good time it has celebrity appearances critics need to learn to have fun with silly and enjoyable films
Matthew Luke Brady Two words to say to this movie and that it Bad movie. Okay let me just that I have seen this movie called "Filth" and that movie has sex, toilet humor and you know what I enjoyed that movie because it shows what one person has to go throw everyday and all that sex and toilet humor works to show what that person does in he's life more like crying, but this movie has sex and toilet Humor and you know what I did not work at all this movie stinks of rat p** in a greasy old well full of Dead people. I never felt so dirty in my life watching the movie it is that Bad of a film and I feel sorry for the people who paid to see this mess of a film.Keith Lemon the film is truly the worse movie I've ever seen in my life.
Claire Finlay I didn't bother going to see this movie because I was told it's a load of crap and people walked out half way though the movie it was that bad. I was thinking to buy this movie on DVD but thought what's the point I will be wasting my money and I was right. When this movie came on the TV I taped it and watched it later on and what a load of crap and I thought everyone was right. Note to Keith Lemon don't make another movie just stick to Celebrity Juice and Through The Key Hole. I doubt this movie did very well at the box office but again people might of got caught out and money wasted. I wonder if Keith will look back on this movie and think okay that movie is a load of crap.
Matthew Hopkiins We bought the Blu Ray ridiculously cheap, and just thought it would be good for a giggle. Well we were in stitches within minutes, but then the film started to go downhill. The scene where Keith was beaten up was nasty and unnecessary, and the dream sequence was just bizarre and didn't work. The film then continued to be mildly amusing and of course crude, with one visual gag in particular involving Kelly Brook having us howling. I think one of the main problems with the film was the storyline just wasn't strong enough to have any sense of believability,plus there wasn't much of the prattish but likable Keith Lemon, he wasn't likable for most of the film. If you can get to see it cheap then do so,it's not the worst film ever by a long chalk.