Kate's Addiction
Kate's Addiction
| 27 March 1999 (USA)
Kate's Addiction Trailers

A psychotic woman becomes dangerously jealous when her best friend begins dating a handsome man. She will stop at nothing to keep the two apart, even if it means destroying their relationship or even murdering one of them.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
hannahchow Beware--some plot spoilers to follow. OK. Bravo for Eric DelaBarre in getting his indie project to the screen for under six figures. It this was easy, everybody would do it.That said, it's a lame little "Fatal Attraction" rip-off. In his defense, Mr DelaBarre has an eye for camera work. There's a genuine budding director here. He does the erotic thriller bits well. But his writing just ain't makin' it. Why would FBI agents rather than local cops be investigating a sex crime allegation? Why would they enter a home without permission or warrants? Why do they talk like cartoon cops? Why is a free-lance photog living aboard a quarter-million dollar yacht while seemingly never having a paying job? Why are these people supposedly from New Orleans but can't pronounce it like locals do (noo-WAW-linz)? The cast of little-knowns and complete unknowns are no threat to the Oscars. Leading ladies Kari Wuhrer and Farrah Forke turn in competent performances, but the supporting cast gives the impression they paid DelaBarre to get into this movie. But as bad as it is in places, it's a guilty pleasure to watch. "Kate's Addiction" is one of those so-bad-it's-good kinda movies. Prop your feet up and pour a cold one. It's gonna be a steamy night.
Meneth Kate goes to Los Angeles to visit her college friend Sara. The two women promised each other to open up a flower shop in New Orleans, their home town, but Kate finds out that the plans are foiled because Sara found a man and settled in LA permanently.Kate, it seems, is in love with her old friend. Showing how all lesbians are supposedly deceiving, calculating, crazy bitches, Kate and another of her college friend proceed through a roller-coaster of murder, love, drugs, sex, blackmail, and a final round of killings. In that order.The first half of the movie is quite nice. Though Kate & Co does kill Sara's fiancé, you almost get the feeling that it might work out in the end. Then the New Guy(NG) comes along. Things go downhill from there. It turns out the NG was blackmailed by Kate to befriend Sara and the dump her, proving to her that men are not to be trusted. Unfortunately for Kate, NG *can* be trusted. By Sara, anyway.The craziness ensues and we find out that all of Sara's headaches during their college time together was due to Kate feeding her rape drugs, which has a hangover-like side effect. More cement to the 'evil/crazy lesbian' cliché.I'm kinda curious as to why no one cared that Sara killed Kate in the end, when she could easily have turned her over to the police instead.
rosemcgowanrulez2001 For a direct to video movie, what can we really expect? But with Kari Wuhrer in it, well then it does make it worthwhile to rent. Me being a Kari fan, I bought the DVD. The story is a good one here but the acting around Kari and Wings' Farrah Forke is really really bad. Lots of bad continuity throughout the flick as well. But if you can sit through the minor glitches like that and accept the bad acting around the two main stars, I think you may like it. But you have to keep in mind it is basically a B movie. Us Kari Wuhrer fans though will enjoy the lesbian scene in this movie which is what we all basically wait for and know will happen. Like I said though, B movie all over it. So if you are expecting something stellar then I say pass on it, but if you like Kari Wuhrer and don't mind low budget flicks with a pretty good storyline, then rent it. I would give the film a 6 out of 10 and 3 of those are added for Kari baby. Always remember that when it comes to Kari Wuhrer..her movies are rated "R" but she always puts a little "X" in them. Betrayel,Seduction,Jealousy,Revenge and oh ya T & A, all wrapped up in this flick.
creatively7 I saw this film at the Newport Beach Film Festival where the writer, director, producer was awarded the "Filmmaker of the Future Award." When you watch the movie, it's amazing to think he made the film for $74,000. It looks great...the acting is great. I remember during the question and answer session following the film, the director said he wished he had more time to do a production rewrite. I think he found out just how hard it is to make a indie film with credit cards. My hats off to him...the film is great. I loved Kari Wuhrer.