Karthik Calling Karthik
Karthik Calling Karthik
| 26 February 2010 (USA)
Karthik Calling Karthik Trailers

A much abused loner achieves success, and even wins the heart of his gorgeous co-worker, after getting early morning mysterious phone calls from someone.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Hysteria28 After 'Luck by chance' Farhan Akhtar is back on the big screen in 'Karthik calling Karthik'. With this role it gave him the opportunity to play a character that was more simple, vulnerable and emotional. The role has many shades and is not one sided. As in the same vein as 'Don' the movie belongs to the suspense thriller genre. Many people may have seen movies like 'Phone booth' and 'When a stranger calls', so this will be very familiar territory to those. The movie revolves around the telephone devise and how it becomes the centre of concern for a certain individual. The movie is directed by a newcomer by the name of Vijay Lalwani. He has also apparently written the script. I have doubts that he may hail from the school of Farhan Akhtar. His technique in making this movie are highly reminiscent of Farhan's style. For a directing debut feature Lalwani has shown competency in this department but in terms of writing there seemed to be a lack of substance. He talent has potential but the plot I personally feel required more complexity.Prior to watching this movie it is advised not to conduct research in to the mystery elements and the plot of the movie. This would most possibly eliminate all the suspense factors. For one to enjoy the movie at its highest level it is best to watch it with a clear mind and not have high expectations. The opening scene will indeed give the viewer doubts towards discovering the truth behind his characters past, however it is not as simple as it seems. The star cast is small and Ram Kapoor and Shefali Shetty have been included to make it worthwhile. Deepika Padukone who seemed perfect for the role manages to give good support to Farhan. Initially due to the age differences I felt that they did not suit each other. But their relationship is projected from a mature perspective so the pairing felt acceptable eventually.SPOILERS The plot revolves around the main character 'Karthik' played by Farhan. He lives by himself and shy and a introvert by nature. He has serious confidence issues and is constantly suppressed by his work boss. He secretly admires Shonali (Deepika) but is unable to express his feelings to her. Later to his surprise he discovers that she is in a relationship with a fellow work colleague. He purchases a new a telephone. This adds to his frustration in life as he begins receiving calls at 5.00 am everyday from a stranger who refers to himself as Karthik also. The callers voice also appears to be identical. After repeated phone calls Karthik begins to befriend the stranger as he supports him through tough times. He helps Karthik to become more sociable and gain self esteem. Shonali too becomes close to Karthik and they fall in love. He tells her about the caller and they attempt to discover who it is. Unfortunately after breaking the callers promise of not letting anybody know about the phone calls, Karthik's life becomes a nightmare as his life begins to fall apart. Shonali too rejects him. This forces him in to living in recluse and moving to a destination where he cannot be followed. Meanwhile Shonali and Karthik's psychiatrist attempt to locate him. END OF SPOILERAs the theme is not groundbreaking, it has been brought to the screen in an authentic manner. The director has incorporated many stylish camera angles which enhance the intriguing moments throughout. He has also managed to sustain the pace of the movie by simultaneously developing the character while progressing the plot too. The suspense and curiosity factor sustains through the movie however the love track tends to make the movie loose its grip at times, because it becomes a speed breaker. However the love track has its importance to the main plot.The climax is acceptable however I was expecting something a little more different. However it was not a disappointing revelation. It can be believable to a certain extent. The theory has been used in a few other movies. The background score was appropriate to the movie's theme. It helped bring on the correct atmosphere but was overused. Many scenes did not require it.Farhan Akhtar gives his best effort to pull off a complex role however I did not feel it was suited to his ability. He was unconvincing in portraying the emotional and fearful traits. Maybe a more experienced actor could have done a better job. Deepika Padukone again plays the love interest. Her hair, make up and costumes bring out the sheer beauty within herself. She does what she is best at and that is looking glamorous. Her acting abilities are improving and maturing from every movie she does. She gives good support but does not have much practical involvement towards the end.
ANISH GUPTA hey everybody, don't listen critics, this is a superb movie which leaves u engrossed for the whole runtime and never runs away from its point, the characters are real and u feel part of them. the storyline is perfect, the songs are well embedded, farhan and deepika are just brilliant. and the suspense is worth sitting, the background score is enough engrossing that u feel a part of it, the moment it begins. Somehow, I could correlate to KARTHIK from the word go and loved it, I was so into the movie that I watched into full one stretch and didn't even move a single inch here and there, come what may. So forget critics, watch this superb movie and be proud that in this totally blurred and commercial age of bollywood in which actors like SRK and AKSHAY don't know nothing except to be making films for own motive, we have actors like FARHAN which r sincere and want to work from their heart, not because they want to earn money, but because they want to act.
harineem A timid guy Karthik who is been bullied all his life finds himself a loser in his job, social and love life.Frequent meetings with a psychiatrist(Shefali) also fail to help.When things get completely out of hand, he attempts suicide.He gets an anonymous call(who claims he is also Karthik) right at that time, with tips to change his life. As time progresses he becomes a winner in all aspects of life but becomes heavily dependent on the early morning calls from the other karthik.When his new found girlfriend Shonali(Deepika) insists that he keep no secrets, he is forced to reveal about the other Karthik. From now on the plot gets sinister as both Shonali and the psychiatrist try to stop him taking these calls and get help. I would have a given a lower score but there are seriously creepy moments in the film. But there are too many holes for example Karthik is supposedly a CA and IIM topper.You cannot get into IIM if you are that low on confidence, they look for leadership material.His parents never seem to care, wouldn't you care if your son mysteriously disappears for months. And why would a great looking girl like deepika fall for a vey ordinary Farhan and seek him even after his extremely weird behaviour.I will not mention more as that would completely reveal the anyway predictable plot. The suspense is very predictable and director never cares to explain the root cause of Karthik's behaviour. Farhan please stick to direction, you are seriously lacking in looks and an average actor.
enteerocks This is probably the worse movie of 2010. I do not exaggerate. Do not believe the given plot of the movie given on IMDb. There is no suspense, definitely no comedy and the director has even managed to make Deepika Padukone non attractive.Have I said this is the worst movie of 2010? I had to rate this 1 out of 10 but it does not even deserve a 0.5.I wish I could take back the 2 and a half hours of my life.Do not watch this movie even if its for Free. You will most certainly regret it.The last 45 mins of the movie is probably the worst of it. If you can understand it well done because I certainly didn't.Its almost a deterioration from mediocrity to awfulness from start to end.
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