Kamikaze Girls
Kamikaze Girls
| 29 May 2004 (USA)
Kamikaze Girls Trailers

Momoko is an ordinary girl, living an ordinary life. Ordinary, that is, if you define ordinary as wearing elaborate lolita dresses from the Rococo period in 18th Century France. However, when punk girl and self-styled 'Yanki' Ichiko comes calling, her days as 'ordinary' are most certainly numbered...

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
lastcathar Kamikaze Girls uses the Japanese fascination with all things Rock and Roll as an ideal framework for its utterly fun tale of opposites coming together. The saturated colors used throughout the film work well—as the technique did also in Amelie—to lend a sense of magic to every scene. It is refreshing to see such cinematic energy—American cinema is often bogged down by its addiction to size, resulting in season after season of movies like beached whales. Kamikaze Girls is, in comparison, like watching dolphins play. And many of them are worth keeping an eye on. Anna Tsuchiya's performance as the complex Ichigo is absolutely electric—she can be over-the-top and subtle in the same breath. It is hard to imagine a film that could fully utilize Sadao Abe's remarkable physical talent—but I hope to see it when it happens. The film is about being what you want to be… and it gets a 10 from me because it does exactly that.
EHrmns The opening of this movie certainly impresses, using different media and a riot of colours. The story also seems off-beat with a gangster world mixed with fairy tales. However after about 20 minutes the movie settles for a more linear approach and all the jokes and quirkiness disappear. The problem is that the story itself is pretty boring: biker chick wants to find herself with the aid of rococo girl. Most acting is 1 dimensional in this sometimes surreal world.I just wish directors like this would distribute all the gimmicks throughout the length of the movie and also to keep the story interesting, I just didn't care for the characters. A lost opportunity.
paul2001sw-1 'Kamikaze Girls' is adapted from a comic book; it contains some short animated scenes, but in fact the entire movie is made in a comic-book style, even when it employs real actors, with exaggerated physics and characterisation. It's unlikely story pairs a girl who dresses in rococo outfits with a tough biker chick (the supporting cast includes a man with a four-foot quiff); for those who aren't Japanese, it may come as a shock to learn, however, that the boutique rococo retailer that features in the film is actually a piece of product placement - it really exists, and there's some popularity to this bizarre style of dress. The film zips along, and there are some nice humorous touches, although it never feels deeper than a comic. But the tone is right for the material - and it's infinitely preferable to countless Hollywood comic adaptations that futilely try to tell us there's something profound in the their stories.
Mappyman A Very cute story of two 17 yr olds, both which are completely different from one another, joined by a strange chain of events. The main girl Momoko is comparable to Lizzie McGuire. Cutesy, delicate, and lives like shes a princess in the 1700s. Her father made a living selling generic clothes with multiple expensive name brand labels and winds up getting caught and kicked out to the country with her grandmother. The second girl, comparable to Avril Laviene, a dirtied-up biker gang member finds out about her clothes and even though she cant stand her style, ridicules her, and even head-butts Momoko around, shes helplessly drawn to this little girl. Together they're on a hunt to find an ex-gang member who can sew Ichigos perfect uniform for her gang member's wedding.I loved the movie's fast pace! It was very reminiscent to that of Japanese movie Survive Style 5 and kind of resemblant to Run Lola Run. There's a few segments that are drawn anime style to show past events even quicker and more violent. Its very funny how fast paced the movie runs sometimes but there's slow moments as well that tell the story. The entire movie plays out like a perfectly drawn girls manga, with insanely exaggerated characters, even more crazy outfits, and one male character in particular, 5 foot greaser haircut! Its well worth watching for any anime/manga fan! The music composed by Yoko Kanno fits very well into this movie and has fast and slow paced music for all of the scenes.Its a girl flick at heart but definitely one to see if you're into anime and manga. Very nice surprise ending as well!