Just Imagine
Just Imagine
| 23 November 1930 (USA)
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New York, 1980: airplanes have replaced cars, numbers have replaced names, pills have replaced food, government-arranged marriages have replaced love, and test tube babies have replaced ... well, you get the idea. Scientists revive a man struck by lightning in 1930; he is rechristened "Single O". He is befriended by J-21, who can't marry the girl of his dreams because he isn't "distinguished" enough -- until he is chosen for a 4-month expedition to Mars by a renegade scientist. The Mars J-21, his friend, and stowaway Single O visit is full of scantily clad women doing Busby Berkeley-style dance numbers and worshiping a fat middle-aged man.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
gengar843 This is a musical-romance-scifi-comedy. Here's what to look for: (1) Musical. I like the fact that this 1930 film comes off with the gaiety of the Roaring 20's rather than with any Depression-era moroseness. However, the songs themselves seemed weak, and somewhat squalid at points. The dance numbers were not bad at all. The drinking song on board the zeppelin, and the Martian god dance were highlights.(2) Romance. The plot here was nothing special, simply two men fighting over one girl, to be decided by their achievements in life, a consequence of future law. Maureen O'Sullivan was earnest but not particularly charming. Neither the hero, Garrick, nor the supposed villain, Thomson, seemed worthy. The ardor expressed, and the longing during absence, didn't move me much.(3) Scifi. The set of futuristic New York was pretty cool, reminding me of The Fifth Element, but certainly not as complex, and therefore it lost luster after some time. Still, props for effort. Some of the futuristic gadgets held my interest for a few moments, and I was disappointed that I wasn't treated to more exposure. The rocket was pretty pathetic, as was all elements of space travel. Mars was a travesty, and the scifi premise there as bad as Abbott and Costello Go to Mars.(4) Comedy. El Brendel is definitely a one-trick pony, and the corn was popping, but I did like the politically incorrect jokes, especially the reference to Henry Ford being upstaged by the Jewish plane manufacturers, and even the "queen" schtick. Marjorie White was OK with her lines but she is quite annoying, though I suppose cute too.(5) Other Stuff. Mischa Auer did an adequate job being Mischa Auer, but nothing standout. Most of the non-musical acting bordered on pedestrian. The plot-lines were pretty underdeveloped.In conclusion, not a waste of time but you may find the fast-forward button handy.
kburditt This is a very early Sci Fi feature that is a blend of Buck Rogers and Busby Berkeley with a Josephine Baker type dance revue thrown in for good measure. The beginning is a fascinating jump in time by 50 year increments. Considering how much the world had changed between 1880 and 1930 its no wonder they expected 1980 to be much more advanced than it really was. The Art Deco architectural sets are great, the costumes are outstanding, any one of the women's gowns could be fashionable today. The plot is pretty lame, Ed Brendel is annoying, and the acting leaves a lot to be desired, but I couldn't take my eyes off of the screen. And when the martian dance troupe started doing a dance routine that was very similar to a Josephine Baker dance - and foreshadows Martha Graham I gave up. It's so bad its good, so trippy it will leave you amazed, and you will laugh at all the wrong spots. Quite frankly - its better than Land of the Lost - so if it shows up in a theater near you - go with a very open and receptive mind. And keep an eye out for "modern inventions" that are now part of everyones life.
garysheski-800-163660 Going through my old movies, I watched JI again first time in a long while, I had forgotten how incredibly BAD it really is! (See my previous post). Worse than REEFER MADNESS, worse than anything Ed Wood could conjure up, in fact, a friend and I were amateur filmmakers in the '60s, with a hand-held 16mm camera & battery-operated tape recorder for sound, the junk we made were D.W.Griffith & Cecel B. DeMille epics compared to this one!! There is but one scene, the "Don't Swat a Fly" song & dance number of White and Albertson, but even that one has to be removed from the context of the whole film to enjoy at all.If this was a sci-fi "thriller" of 1930, I'm glad I didn't live back then to imagine what 1980 would be like!! SSSOOO BAD, it can't even be classed as "so bad it's good". If there were a negative rating system, this one would be at the very top of the list, WWAAYY beyond classification in ANY category! Many films, good or poor, have been lost over time, but how this one survived is beyond my comprehension: It should have been destroyed in 1930, and the producers/writers court-ordered to pay back the money invested! I could go on and on, but anyone who posts to say it's any good, should be considered an enemy of society!
km1931 If only this movie had been better, how film history could have changed. A fantastical future world and a musical, no less! There could have been decades of movies that showed the future as a better place, rather than one where we are ravaged by technology or government or aliens. But unfortunately, "Just Imagine" is almost unwatchable. It's even hard to enjoy as camp; it's that bad. It's worse than "Plan 9." It's worse than "Horror at Party Beach." It's worse than "They Saved Hitler's Brain." At least they are all funny. "Just Imagine" might be the worst film ever made. My favorite exchange in the movie? When our protagonist, accidentally finding himself in the future world of 1980, expresses dismay at his situation. It's a good start. He's trying to show real emotion here, his loneliness and disorientation in a future world were everyone he knows and loves is gone. So how do the people of the future respond? "Well, if you're unhappy we can always kill you!" Wow, what an exploration of mortality. It chokes me up, the human feeling there.The rest of the movie continues it's hideous spiral down into the depths of awfulness. The only thing saving "Just Imagine" from a spot on the worst movies of all time list is its relative obscurity. Watch it at your own risk.
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