Just Getting Started
Just Getting Started
PG-13 | 08 December 2017 (USA)
Just Getting Started Trailers

Duke Diver is living the high life as the freewheeling manager of a luxurious resort in Palm Springs, Calif. He soon faces competition from Leo, a former military man who likes the same woman that Duke is interested in. When Diver's past suddenly catches up with him, he must put aside his differences and reluctantly team up with Leo to stop whoever is trying to kill him.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
chantaldmorgan Terrible movie...can't believe these great actors would have entertained such a trrrible script. I want the time & money I wasted on this terrible film back.
blrnani With Morgan Freeman and Tommy Lee Jones constantly trying to upstage each other, it's worth watching just for that bit of fun. And then there's the fact that it was Glenn Headly's last film - it's a decent tribute to her (though she'd probably prefer something closer to her triumphant "Dirty Rotten Rascals" role). The other thing I liked is that it shows that the elderly still want to lead interesting active lives, even in the shadow of fear that their bodies and/or minds will inevitably let them down at some point. That may not appeal to most audiences, but it's reality folks - we oldies aren't just the doddery old farts you can see now; we are the combination of all the people we've been over the course of our lives and the lessons we've learned from that. On the downside, this film was clearly rushed out for the Christmas market, though it's a sunbelt Christmas that is meant to reassure the people in that region while perhaps stimulating some pangs of jealousy among those in colder climes. Fresh snow is lovely to look at, but there are consequences. PS: The Wikipedia article on this film is full of factual errors that should be corrected.
plangdon-48221 This is an APPALLINGLY bad film. The story line is totally unbelievable. It's 90 minutes of watching two men in their 70's trying to act like they are 50. They can barely walk. High speed chases, seducing women, snake wrangling and fight scenes....totally unbelievable from start to finish. Even the continuity is poor. When she is in the back of the van check out how the rope around her moves from her neck to her shoulders to her neck and then disappears. How the hell did they raise $22 million to make this drivel? The line "I got your girl" talking about Rene Russo who is 65 years old was actually the only time I laughed during this so called 'comedy'. I'm currently typing this while it's on.....I'm not missing much.
Tony An excellent cast who may have had nothing better to do than pay the bills. There are no laugh out loud moments, It seems to centre on older men being as competitive as young men, boys will be boys. But the whole plot and comic moments are so lame it never gets above mediocre. Not terrible, but not really worth watching.