June in January
June in January
| 18 January 2014 (USA)
June in January Trailers

A newly engaged bride dreamed of her wedding day with her late mother for her entire life, and is looking forward to planning every perfect detail to honor her mom's memory. But her special day is nearly ruined by her intimidating future mother-in-law and her fiancé's sudden work transfer, which pushes her perfect outdoor June wedding ceremony up to a January date -- just three weeks away!

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Prismark10 June in January is another Hallmark chick flick which comes out with a cookie cutter plot and some bland but good looking leads and a small budget.Alex is a rising lawyer and from a wealthy family. June always planned a dream wedding with her late mother in June. However a job in another city means that they bring forward the wedding to January and have only a few days to plan the wedding. The cog in the wheel is Alex's mother (Marilu Henner) who has her own wedding agenda and shuts out June, she is aided by her new assistant who carries a torch for Alex.Alex takes little interest in the wedding planning, eventually realises that her mother is domineering and he is at risk of losing his bride. After a brief showdown, the mother eventually has a change of heart.The film is breezy and inoffensive. Its also very predictable and not very good. The director shows little flair, the script is by the numbers.
lisaswanston Wow......Hallmark is literally my FAVORITE channel on Comcast! So much so that my husband makes fun of me for watching all the "corny" movies. I never care what he thinks because I absolutely LOVE the Hallmark movies! I think they are sweet and poignant and I totally love them.........UNTIL!!!!!! UNTIL I came across this movie, June in January!! It's a lovely enough movie but there is a scene where the main character and her fiancé are running through the park and she is telling him how she thinks his mother doesn't like her and that she is sure she had someone better in mind for her son to marry than a nurse" and he said, "ya but you're a Nurse Practioner" and she says, "oh like your mom knows the difference?" WTF??? Like being a nurse isn't prestigious enough?!! Now we all have to be Nurse Practitioners to be recognized?? I am a Registered Nurse and I went to school for 4 years to be one. I make more money than a lot of CEO's of companies and that is coming from a "head hunter" who used to find jobs for CEO's! I find that whole scene BEYOND offensive to all my fellow Registered Nurses and I am thoroughly disgusted with Hallmark that you allowed such a scene to be put in one of your movies. How dare you! I have worked so long and hard in my career and frankly most nurses I know blow doctors away with their intellect and saviness!! Anyway....I had no idea where to direct my anger, so I chose to display it here on IMDb! Thanks to anyone who got this far in the review! I appreciate you reading my post!Ps....I don't also mean to put down doctors because there are so many wonderful docs who deserve our admiration. peace,Lisa :)
edwagreen Leave it to Hallmark to totally sweeten down a great plot. A wealthy woman practically conspires with her secretary to prevent the former's son from marrying a girl she feels to be totally unsuitable for him.Marilu Henner steals the show as the conniving mother with a cold veneer. I thought they would have made her as cruel as a Bette Davis could be.Our bride-to-be, a lovely girl, had always planned with her mother what type of wedding she would have down to every last detail. With her mother dying, the girl still wants it the way she planned and her future mother-in-law use that to her advantage to plan everything instead, especially when the marriage has to be moved up as the groom has accepted a high job in an extremely prestigious law-firm.There's the girl's widowed dad with his new girlfriend, reading the letter that her mother sent. There is the assistant as vicious as ever.Henner does a total double-take when she sees she is overwhelmed. The secretary, who is fired, plans one last act of revenge. Remember, this is Hallmark, so all must end with a sugary taste.
caseybones Another in a long line of boring, predictable pap. Nothing new, nothing that cannot be figured out in the first 10 minutes.Perky bride has the requisite dead mother who encouraged her daughter to have a lifelong obsession with her wedding day. In the cast: supportive father (naturally), evil mother-in-law-to-be that sees the error of her ways and does at 180 and embraces the new daughter-in-law in the nick of time, vindictive wannabe girlfriend who is so obvious in her deceit that she might as well be wearing a neon sign, and two totally chemistry-free lovers. Obligatory crisis occurs in the last 10 minutes and is solved in mere seconds and this mess is blessedly over.And yet again they film in a location that expects a suspension of belief with the premise that the entire wedding will be ruined because it's January instead of June and "too cold for roses" and yet every tree is fully leafed out. Apparently Hallmark has no budget for anything but the same tired studio back lot.Don't waste your time. You've seen it all before about 50 times.