Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar
| 27 December 2002 (USA)
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Twenty year-old Julius Caesar flees Rome for his life during the reign of Sulla but through skill and ambition rises four decades later to become Rome's supreme dictator.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Berto Axel A lame and dated costume drama that feels like it was filmed in 1952, not in 2002. None of the social, political and historical context of the events in Caesear's life is explained at all. The Roman Republic was already dying and on its last legs, and ultimately did not survive the birth of the Roman Empire. By watching this mini-series one essentially could not learn anything meaningful about Ceasar as a historical and a political figure. Everything is reduced to a personal costume melodrama, but the series is unconvincing even at that level. Anyone with any interest in Roman history should watch the HBO series 'Rome' instead. It was made just a few years later (2005- 2007), and while it at times goes overboard with sex and nudity, that series captures the historical essence of the events of Caesar's life infinitely better than the 'Julius Caesar' mini-series.
urbancountry2326 I saw this movie in Latin class because of its relevancy to Roman culture. Some of the facts of Caesar's life are left out or out of order, but that's understandable because the movie was made to hold attention. One of Caesar's wives is not in the movie, but that doesn't affect the plot very much if you aren't a Caesar buff. If you are a historian, this movie may not impress you much. However, I would definitely recommend seeing it. The action and costumes are great. It is actually a good visual of the clothing Romans wore. Plus..the actors are very good looking. =]Hope you enjoy it!
a m made for TV movies are generally looked down upon, and rightly so, many of them are not as finely crafted as this one. I was quite pleasantly surprised by this film, it has a few inaccuracies, such as the non-existent Crasus who was a part of the triumvirate, however, other than this, i found it quite delightful. Sulla was perhaps one of the best villains i have ever seen, and Julius Caesar was not just the caricature he was a living breathing human. Jeremy Sisto seems to have something, though i confess i am not sure what it was. there was a great deal of vibrance and energy in the project. kudos to the fantastic director and the way he pulled together a string of events to create such a lavish and lovable movie. this sounds silly but i did cry at the end, it was so sad to see Caesar with all his good intentions killed in cold blood. if only they had added the final speech by Antony....
Jay Jedi I am reading Conn Iggulden's books at the moment. and although he changed a little bit of the real story in favor of the book, the books are close to the real live of Caesar.The movie is bad cause it does not do justice to the man Caesar was...The acting was not good, only Richard Harris was really good as Sulla, he will be missed...I really hope that a man like for instance Peter Jackson is willing to pick up the story of Conn Iggulden's Caesar. It has CLASSIC written all over it...But this movie...I'm sorry..