Julia's Eyes
Julia's Eyes
NR | 29 October 2010 (USA)
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The story of a woman who is slowly losing her sight whilst trying to investigate the mysterious death of her twin sister.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
Smoreni Zmaj Cool thrillerMaybe it is a little slower, on the border with the boring, in the first part, but it makes up for it in the second half. I do not know why they count it into the horror genre, although it is a little tense and sometimes bloody, but only for moments. It's more dramatic than it's scary.7/10
thelastblogontheleft I stumbled upon this movie by complete accident when I was browsing on Shudder (which I highly recommend for any of you horror fans) and I was so pleasantly surprised. You're immediately intrigued by and invested in the movie and I thought it kept up with some really great pacing and suspense throughout.The basic plot… Julia (Belén Rueda) senses something is amiss with her twin sister, Sara, who has recently gone blind due to a degenerative eye disease that they both suffer from. Upon investigation she finds Sara hanged in her basement, but she suspects (and we know from the opening scene) something a bit more sinister is afoot, so she takes it upon herself to investigate.I thought the sense of isolation, dread, and claustrophobia simply because of Julia going blind was brilliant. They made sure to occasionally show how things looked from her perspective, and the pairing of the world collapsing in on her both in the actions of those around her and in her own body is amazing. What she was going through was scary enough, but knowing that her world is getting darker by the day just added a whole other layer of terror.I am usually not a huge fan of too much romance in horror movies — I know, I'm cold hearted — but I thought the relationship between her and Isaac (Lluís Homar) was actually very sweet (to the point where I teared up during the scene where she says goodbye to him).There were a few truly chilling moments, like the hand on her shoulder when she's standing at her sister's casket. The director, Guillem Morales, was good at evoking fear from pretty simple circumstances — there were no over-the-top effects, barely any gore, and he mostly stayed away from any gratuitous sexuality (aside from showing lingering shots of Rueda's cleavage every 10 minutes).Once Julia is fully blind and starts to be cared for by Ivan (Pablo Derqui), things start to get REALLY creepy. Him testing her blindness with the tip of his knife, pretending to talk on the phone while she stands by, showing her the body of the real Ivan in the freezer to illicit a reaction from her… whew. Good stuff.The twist with Soledad (Julia Gutiérrez Caba) was pretty awesome, and the entire scene with Julia and "Ivan" both stumbling through the pitch dark house with the camera flash firing every few seconds was just heart pounding. When the police finally arrive and he slits his throat after begging them to stop looking at him… damn. DAMN.I've said it before, but movies that are about real people are some of the scariest to me. Not monsters, not spirits, not demons in the traditional sense… but real human beings who are driven to do depraved things are the scariest because it could happen to anyone, any time. This movie wasn't perfect as far as the plot went but I thought it was an amazingly suspenseful endeavor, and much more intelligent and creative than horror is often given credit for.
KineticSeoul This is more of a thriller than a horror movie, even if the beginning makes it seem like a horror movie. The premise and atmosphere for the most part seems to be done right. However the build up and development is just so darn slow and boring. With Julia going on a detective mode to find his sister's killer to her going blind and paranoid. This movie is just boring when it comes to the build up, which is actually mundane. After a hour and 10 minutes in is when things starts to get interesting. It goes with the who is telling the truth direction, which actually does kept me on my toes and interested in what was going on. The tension even gets pretty darn high near the end. The actress that played Julia did a good job, but here character was poorly written as well. Overall this is a decent Spanish thriller with a good cinematography, but kinda lame and drawn out story until the end. It's watchable if you have the patience until the twist.6.8/10
Andy Steel Really well shot with some very creepy lighting effects used in places; I liked the look of this one very much. A very intense drama that builds very nicely towards the end and the final showdown. There are plenty of plot twists to keep the audience guessing; a little old lady that lives around the corner and a creepy neighbour and his daughter. Great performances all round with Belén Rueda getting the nod from me as the most notable. I did find it a little overcomplicated in places, but it did all pan out in the end. Over all, a nicely put together tense drama with elements that the Slasher and Horror genre fans will lap up; worth a look.SteelMonster's verdict: RECOMMENDEDMy score: 6.7/10You can find an expanded version of this review on my blog: Thoughts of a SteelMonster.
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