Everything Beautiful Is Far Away
Everything Beautiful Is Far Away
| 21 June 2017 (USA)
Everything Beautiful Is Far Away Trailers

On an isolated desert planet, a man who is looking for parts to repair his robotic companion teams up with a young woman searching for an imaginary lake.

Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Manthast Absolutely amazing
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
sissonkim-71820 Very engaging! I never imagined a film shot in the desert could be so captivating! The characters became my friends and I found myself believing the world created on the screen. Thinking, "Oh, so that's what you eat when you're lost in the desert." Great message too. Loved it!
freedominsolitude I thought this was beautifully done. Before I watched it I assumed because it was in a dessert that I would get bored quickly. This was not the case! This movie kept my interest all throughout. I absolutely love the actors. I felt that he was trying to let go of the robot which kept him company for so long, replacing it with humanity and love, which was endearing as well as thought provoking. This movie made me think of how we are as a society and our dependency on technology as well as our lack of humanity and community.It makes me so sad to see any negative reviews as I thought this was such a sweet movie!
TxMike I came across this movie on HULU streaming, the description made it sound interesting.In fact it is very interesting and the two leads are pretty good. They don't explain much but judging on some of the dialog and the strange plant species they encounter, trying to find nourishment, seems like they must be on a planet that is not Earth.Julia Garner is Rola and she is wandering through the vast desert. When Joseph Cross as Lernert comes across her she seems near death with white foam at her lips. He realizes she has eaten a poisonous bulb that resembles an edible one, he gives her something which saves her.Each of them is wandering through the desert, and he is searching for a mysterious lake. He is also carrying an intelligent animatronic head that sees and talks. But only the head and part of his task is to find batteries to keep her "alive." So, even though they have a brief encounter with a lost man it is basically these three characters, and only two of them are alive. It could easily have been a two character stage play, in this case the desert is the stage.Actually nicely done overall but as a feature movie it doesn't contain a lot of meat on its bones. You have to be in the mood.
jamplant And the soundtrack is equally thus.. Really recommended viewing.. Watch it! Listen to it! Read into it what you will.. there's plenty of room for that.. I love it!