Jules and Jim
Jules and Jim
NR | 23 April 1962 (USA)
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In the carefree days before World War I, introverted Austrian author Jules strikes up a friendship with the exuberant Frenchman Jim and both men fall for the impulsive and beautiful Catherine.

TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
daviddax Beautiful but rather pointless French "nouvelle vague" (new wave) exercise. I was in high school when this film came out, and much was made of it by the critics. I never found Jeanne Moreau as beautiful as others did, but having seen this film today for the first time, I can say she looked terrific. Nevertheless I believe that her character was that of a spoiled, selfish, never-to-be-redeemed woman who can't have what she wants and ends up in the drink. As for the two protagonists, they were just plain immature and were never going to grow up. I hope that little Sabine grew up to be healthy. Sadly we saw nothing about her during the last part of the movie. What a waste of two hours. I'll take "Last Year in Marienbad" but not this tedious mess.
Prashun Chakraborty Jules et Jim was my introduction to Truffaut and I was completely blown away by it, I can't wait to watch more by him. Stephen Hawking said this was his favorite movie and I can see why. The film revolves around two best friends Jules and Jim and the enigmatic woman who captures both their hearts, Catherine. The film follows their lives for nearly a decade and a half. In the first arc of the film, it's established that while both are attracted to Catherine, she chooses Jules and Jim is a good sport is genuinely happy for his friend. Years pass and after the great war both the friends are reunited, Jules and Catherine now have a daughter but Catherine is too headstrong and adventurous of Jules, Jules actively persuades Jim to be Catherine's lover and husband so that she does not run away from his life and they can be a big happy family together, meanwhile Jim who never really got over Catherine rekindles his flame for her and she starts falling for Jim as well. As you might have guessed this is a very sexually progressive film especially for 1961. However through all this complexities, the film maintains it's infectious energy and who better to guide the viewer through this maze of emotions than these fleshed out well written characters. I found the film quite modern and "talky" it has aged very well, relevant not even today but will be so long after we are gone.
evening1 I decided to watch this film again to see how the passage of time might have changed my perception.This time around I saw Catherine as being far less alluring and mysterious then just plain sick -- a pathetic example of someone with Borderline Personality Disorder.Catherine may be shapely, beautiful, multilingual, and a reader but she also seems to loathe her own company. When Catherine doesn't get what Catherine wants, when she wants, she exacts a harsh price.The clumsy, pedantic, and ever-reliable Jules manages to survive this relationship because he accepts Catherine sans complaint or revenge. He takes what she dishes out and waits around for more. (How appropriate that he dresses as a slave for the Beaux Arts Ball and plays a game with Sabine in which he's a whipped horse!) Whereas, Jim is ambivalent. If Catherine won't love him, well then, he won't love her, either. Voilà his fatal flaw.One day, Catherine shows Jim that she is deadly serious: He must pay. Yet he doesn't take her rash action seriously. Or maybe he is so depressed by that point that he's ready to meet his Maker.This still-stunning film offers some sobering lessons for anyone who is searching for love. The person who intrigues you may actually wish you dead. So, as Jules warned Jim: Beware!
s k At the risk of over-generalizing about an entire nation, I've come to the inescapable conclusion that the French are a very strange people, to say the least. Seriously...they don't seem to find anything offensive (I think they'd find some rationalization for having sex with chimpanzees), and they seem to find everything interesting -- even one of the most boring films in cinematic history -- Jules & Jim.The one thing this film has going for it is this: I've never seen a film in which every single character suffers from an incurable mental disease. But if I want to see such extreme mental illness, I'll go visit a local state mental hospital. This film is NOT about LOVE -- it's about raging mental illness. That's what people who claim to "get it" really DON'T get. They're as delusional as the characters in this train wreck of a film if they honestly believe this movie is a great love story.