Jesus of Montreal
Jesus of Montreal
| 15 May 1989 (USA)
Jesus of Montreal Trailers

A group of actors putting on an interpretive Passion Play in Montreal begin to experience a meshing of their characters and their private lives as the production takes form against the growing opposition of the Catholic church.

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
pawebster This is a very impressive film, partly because of the powerful performance by Lothaire Bluteau, who combines authority and vulnerability in his portrayal of both Daniel and Jesus, but also because of the original way the film creatively reworks the story of Jesus, and especially his passion. There is a lot to think about and it is a film to watch more than once, I think.There are just one or two wonky features: the equation of the established church with the pharisees is a bit clichéd and simplistic, and the stuff about new archaeological discoveries and Jesus being the son of a Roman soldier is a load of piffle, but I suppose the writer wanted a dramatic excuse for the changes in the script of the traditional passion play.All in all, it's excellent and I heartily recommend it.
jonny-griffiths I first saw this film maybe fifteen years ago, and it had a profound impact. The plot is not original: an actor is recruited by a church to play Jesus in a Passion play, and as he works himself into the part, he becomes increasingly Christ-like. (Nicos Kazantzakis took a similar line in his novel 'Christ Recrucified.') However, its modern-day setting and iconoclastic approach mean that 'Jesus of Montreal' really does have a flavour all of its own.The church that has recruited him in the first place becomes alarmed at the radical interpretation he and his carefully-picked cast give the Passion narrative, and nervous at the hit they have on their hands. The parallels between Christ's life and that of the young hero become closer and closer, when he destroys the equipment a set of a morally bankrupt advertising agency (a la Jesus throwing out the money-makers from the Temple.) The film is packed with humour: the lead actor is interrogated and then arrested by the local police at whilst still on the cross.So does the Resurrection happen too? In a way it does. Our hero dies, crushed by the weight of the cross during a performance. Tragic, but there is a kind of redemption in that his youth makes his organs highly desirable. The film shows the beneficiaries of his death, a woman given sight with a new retina, a man walking with a new heart, and a boy given a new kidney. A situation turned inside out, just as in the actual Easter story.
Leos Erp Brilliant piece of movie, especially fragments of road show! Movie talks about basic human values, vs. hypocrisy of the religion and society; talks about real artists and affectation of mediocrity found in show business, relationships and art. A movie that doesn't belong to high profit type of Hollywood junk production for wide masses. It contains bright and simple thoughts, for the way to soul calmness that we have forgotten... The real religion is the one, there aren't institution and leaders, only human being and love. This is movie about urban kind of the Christ, but Christ isn't person, Christ is a state of soul. Everyone can do it with simplicity, truth and liberty of your life. God is in you, not on the sky or in church corporations! Love&Sun, LeOS
nyugrd You do not need to be Catholic or, much less, Quebecois to understand and appreciate this work of art.Jesus of Montreal is an act of sublime spiritual discovery and should be required viewing of all who call themselves Christian. In this film, we see how the Spirit of Christ is born and grows in one man (Lothaire Bluteau), and how the evildoers around him react.We see the evil pharisees who judge and condemn Lothaire (Jesus). These are the people like the American President bush who proclaim loudly to one and all how "holy" and "Christian" they are, all the while killing babies with his bombs and bullets and sanctions.Go see this film with an open mind, and you will see and hear the real message of Jesus Christ!