| 18 July 2004 (USA)
Jessica Trailers

The Bergman sisters could not be more different. Jessica is a feisty tomboy who loves to help her father work their farmland. Her beautiful sister Meg is eagerly being groomed by her mother Hester (Lisa Harrow) to be the perfect wife, so that she can marry her way out of poverty. However, when the man, Jack Thomas, who Meg has set her sights on falls in love with Jessica and gets her pregnant, Hester schemes to wrench the couple apart to claim Jessica's son, Joey for Meg. Later she commits Jessica to a mental asylum. It is here that Jessica receives news of her lover's death and almost loses hope, but after enlisting the help of Mr. Runche, a down and out lawyer battling alcoholism, she is eventually released. Years later, it is the reformed Runche who gives Jessica the courage to fight for the return of her child. Eventually Meg and Hester call an uneasy truce with Jessica, and allow her to play a role in Joey's life as his aunt.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
jamesmoule Reading other reviews of this mini-series confirms my belief that it is one that people either love or hate. The reason is more than likely the plot of the novel by Bryce Courtenay. Either the viewer will see this as an astonishing true story of deception or a whole pack of lies. If you can't believe the story, both the book and the film will be difficult to enjoy. Having read the book first, I found the mini-series a very faithful adaptation. The characters in the book were accurately portrayed in the film and the acting was first class all round. We are used to BBC dramas with painstaking attention to period detail but it is rare to see an Australian story from the early 1900s in which so much care is taken with historical accuracy. The central tablelands villages of Carcoar and Millthorpe provide perfect backdrops, having been maintained as 19th century towns. I wonder did anyone notice that the sign on one of the buildings in "Narrandera" (actually Carcoar) had the town name spelled as it was in 1890? That level of attention to detail is typical of the fine work of the creators of this exceptional mini-series.
crazy_pinkchick This is the mini series based on the novel Jessica by Bryce Courtenay. It was well written and the characters were well played; however I felt as though there was a lot of material missing that was in the novel that would have been significant to the story. I understand that it would have been difficult to have everything from the novel in the movie. I was satisfied with the movie though I enjoyed the book much more. I had just finished reading the book, and watching the story and the characters come to life was great. It made me cry just as much as the book. If you liked the mini series then I insist you read the book. It is a great read and a very moving story. It will help you understand the story better.
vk2gjt We watched the mini series "Jessica" and loved it. I haven't read the book before seeing the feature, so don't have any prior opinions about the story.'Jessica' was a wonderful story, combining both happy moments with incredibly sad. Leeanna Walsman playing Jessica was a very very strong character, and we're still talking about her performance, with a tear in our eye, days after watching. Originally we watched to see performances from actors we know well and enjoy, such as Sam Neill, John Howard and Tony Martin....but found that Leeanna's performance overshadowed all of them.Thoroughly enjoyed 'Jessica', and want to see it all again.
oliverl-1 "Jessica" is a dramatic and heartfelt true story. The adaptation of Bryce Courtenay's novel is more wonderful than I could ever have expected, as it tells the story of a gut-wrenching story of a hapless life. The acting is brilliant all around. Leanna Walsman is perfect as main character Jessica Bergman, with her good looks and her extreme talent she tells a remarkable story of a heartbreaking life.Oliver Ackland is excellent as Jack Thomas, the love of both Jessica and her spoiled sister Meg's (Megan Dorman) life, with his handsome charm and love for Jessica, how can you not like him? Wil Traval is just as superb as Billy Simple, the brain-damaged friend of Jessica & Jack. Traval puts in a beautiful performance. Sam Neill is wonderful as the drunken lawyer of both Billy & Jessica, Neill is the icing on the cake. Tony Martin is also great as Jessica's dad Joe, his love and support for Jessica is beautiful. With other great supporting actors such as Lisa Harrow, Megan Dorman and John Howard "Jessica" is a soulful and riveting mini-series. 10/10