R | 22 January 2016 (USA)
Jeruzalem Trailers

When a couple of American young adults fly to Israel to visit the city of Jerusalem, a biblical nightmare falls upon the city.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
fedor8 Raise your hands all of you who would rather have seen this movie done the normal way, without the found-footage malarkey!Everyone, of course. (Admittedly, fans of found footage didn't have the right to vote, just as they aren't allowed to vote in political elections, and just as they aren't allowed to sign any official documents.)Shouldn't a biblical apocalypse be a little more exciting and interesting than this? Christ Almighty, you want to portray the Armageddon, but you end up making it mediocre? TFW.The film starts off with two New York floozies traveling to Israel to pleasure random men. The fugly one with the camcorder stuck on her face is especially stupid. An example: she overreacts when she bumps into the Israeli soldier who gave up on the insane asylum search, goes ballistic in a very dumb, unnatural way. So let me get this straight: she doesn't ever get angry at the Arab for getting her Catholic boyfriend dumped in the loony bin in the first place - yet she gets angry at the Israeli soldier for failing to rescue that same Catholic from the loony bin (where the Arab helped dump him)? Very logical.Yes, just one example of the film-makers' anti-Israeli pro-Palestinian bias. Still, the film isn't overtly political hence the bias isn't heavily tilted or particularly distracting from the mediocre plot. A demonapocalypse should not be mediocre, it should be awesome to watch, it should be visually attention-grabbing. But tell that to the guys who decided that found footage was the way to go. "We'll make the Armageddon look like a mediocre zombie outbreak, because that's how we found-footage freaks roll." Nice.
crowsurvival The movie started out cool, for the first ten minutes, but then got steadily boring with predictable, pov, trite sophomoric "humor" for tge next twenty+ minutes, to the point that I was eye-rolling contantly. Tried to keep going, but the apple-chewing scene did me in. I had enough. Pretty disappointed...but it was Netflix, so pretty standard fare.
chet19 Sarah, the main character, is among the worst characters in horror movie history. Once the bad guys became established, we get to hear Sarah cry, scream, hyperventilate, and stutter for about 30 straight minutes. It was ear-wrenching. Just over the top and horrible, and we couldn't wait for the bad guys to get her. As bad as that was, her stupidity brought it upon herself. They had to get out of town instead if going with her best friend, the hotel guide who knew the city, and two armed guards, she decided instead to whine and whine and stay to find some guy she knew for 24 hours. If you choose some random fling over your best friend, you deserve to die. Not to mention that when she finally did something right (located the asylum keys), she couldn't get the lock open, but rather fell into horror-movie cliché of the girl who is too scared and shaking to simply turn a key. Speaking of clichés, let's not forget the part where her friend turned zombie and was killing folks and trying to eat Sarah, and instead of blowing her brains out, Sarah instead said "She only needs a doctor" Then, of course, Sarah accidentally killed the only guy who knew the way out. Sarah reminds me of Gilligan...always finding a way to ruin the rescue of everyone else. But at least we didn't have to hear Gilligan hyperventilate in every episode. Otherwise, this was a pretty cool movie with some tense suspense. I give it a 7. If the main character were a brave fighter instead of a cowardly dunce, it would have scored a lot more for me.
David . This movie had a great premise, and it was quite original with the idea of using the Google glasses as a way of record what's happening, but that's the only original thing this movie has. The first half has a decent character development,though it drags a little bit too much. The second half its just a mess. Unbelievably stupid decisions, clichés, incredibly annoying characters (I'm looking at you Sarah).. and I'm not even going to mention that cave part cause its just ridiculous the amount of bullshit that happened. Just avoid it