Japan Japan
Japan Japan
| 01 January 2007 (USA)
Japan Japan Trailers

Nineteen year old Imri, a handsome ex-soldier, suffers from “Yellow Fever”. He was born in Israel but yearns to live in Japan.

Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Suradit I imagine we were expected to believe that this incoherent, self-indulgent, self-absorbed youthful serving of angst and confusion is somehow more significant than the oceans of other incoherent, self- indulgent, self-absorbed youthful servings of angst and confusion.It isn't. If anything, it's worse.Throwing in a bit of pornography and some silly people singing nonsense verses and then a couple of paragraphs of supposed deep thoughts printed for us to read does nothing to elevate this above a sophomoric and mediocre student video project.Really not worth the time wasted watching this.
Anastasis K A Really Great film Its very rare to be exposed to an artwork that changes the way you see the limits of the medium.This was one of them... It is one of the rare instances where you think you've seen a lot of whats out there, and come to re-realize, that you've only scratched the surface. I could try to say something about this film, but I would not be able to do it justice. The film is shot in a variety of creative and avant-garde ways, exploiting techniques in non-standard cinema. It seems to be a sort of anti-cinema, as the narrator mentions "Cinema is dead". The whole film break cinematographic barriers, social norms and models of what we expect to experience in a film. Thank you Lior Shamriz and Cast
g s there's no plot or integration of themes or anything, it's just nothing. not even "about" nothing - rather, it is just nothing. perhaps the producers and all knew that so they decided to call a character gay and have him watch a very explicit clip from a Japanese video on the internet depicting what is known as bukake, essentially guys ejaculating on someone's face. but sexuality has nothing to do with this film - penises and semen, though often very nice, do not a movie make. without penises and semen no one would have mentioned this movie but because of them perhaps the film benefits by supposed "gay interest" appeal. however, regardless, this movie sucked. if you want to see the sex scenes do what the protagonist did, find them on-line.
Siel_O the movie is fun, fresh and sweet. the main character is absolutely adorable (i think i'm in love, gotta learn more about him), the photography and editing is great, the story is interesting (and convinces that a movie does not have to be in a dramatic structure). i loved the visual freedom the creators allowed themselves, i don't think it had any of a shock value, but only to portray the main character's world. i'd love to see the movie again, i'd be very pleased had it been longer (there were moments where we're lead to believe the film is over and i was always glad it didn't). i'd also love had they shown more porn, anime and yaoi. the movie inspired me, usually i escape from anything titled "documentary", i might just be a little more open minded next time after a film like that. :)