Jackie Chan: My Stunts
Jackie Chan: My Stunts
PG | 30 March 1999 (USA)
Jackie Chan: My Stunts Trailers

Jackie Chan: My Stunts shows some of the tricks of the trade that Jackie and his stunt team utilize to perform their stunts. This is not an endless gag reel of stunts gone wrong, but an in depth look at how timing and camera placement can make or break a shot. Jackie will show you what is done to enhance fights and protect the stuntmen from getting injured. Of course, if the character you are portraying is wearing shorts and a tank top, you just have to get hurt!

Micitype Pretty Good
Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Stofft If you are, like me, a Jackie Chan fan (at least of his older films) and wanna know more about "how he has done his films" and so on. This is a great film to watch. Jackie explains how many of Asian movies are made (at least were made back in the days) and how they in "cheap" ways came up with ideas on camera work and lots of other things that makes a movie look good.Also you get behind the scenes of various stunts, how he performed them and how he comes up with those action scenes we all love to see with Jackie.All in all I really liked this Documentary. I will also point out that if you can find the HK release of this film you can watch the documentary with Chinese voices and eng. subtitles for some things jackie showcases that are NOT in the English talking version.9/10
sleestakmn If you are at all into the "wow, how did they do that" aspect of filmmaking, this is great stuff. JC shows the technique, training and pure gumption that make these films work. In an increasingly CGI movie environment, JC remains fairly steadfast to what has worked in the past, and talks about it : "hey, we don't have the budget to fake this, so we just gotta do it".
Mikael Svensson (Mixx) I just saw this on on my comp (yep ripped by that is the only way to get it here). I have to say that I went into it with a large dose of respect for Jacki, and after the feature was over, this respect had grown to even highr proportions. Jag must be one of the most skilled guys around a movieset. I love his movies, and this video didn't change that. Au Contrarire.A clear 8+ in my book. A film for the fans - nonfans wont get much out of it other than if their curiousBW. Mixx
Pat McCurry I saw this last night and it was very interesting. He takes you behind the scenes at how he chorographs his fight scenes and stunts. The two films that get the most exposure are Police Story and Who Am I?. He shows you how the bus scene in Police Story (which I consider his greatest stunt of all time) was done by using a modified umbrella. He revisits the Hong Kong mall to show you how everything was done in the film. The films clips also have the original music score, rather than J. Peter Robinson's score used in the U.S. edit. We also see how the fight scene with Dutch fighter Ron Smoorenberg was accomplished. Smoorenberg could not keep up the pace Jackie needed to make the scene work, so he uses his own stuntman Bradley James Allan (considerably smaller than the Dutchman) for some of the scenes. Allan (who has developed a cult status among Jackie fans) gets to show his stuff in his own fight scene made for the video. The only debit for this was Jackie's broken English. Still, he is able to show how it is all done. No question about it, Jackie Chan means action.