DC Showcase: The Losers
DC Showcase: The Losers
| 22 June 2021 (USA)
DC Showcase: The Losers Trailers

The legendary rag-tag team of World War II outcasts – Captain Storm, Johnny Cloud, “Mile-a Minute” Jones, rookie Gunner and Sarge – find themselves marooned on an uncharted island in the South Pacific that is completely overrun with dinosaurs! Their would-be ally on this deadly mission, the mysterious and beautiful Fan Long of the Chinese Security Agency, tells them their job is to rescue the scientists that have been sent to study the time/space anomaly. Perhaps… but what is her mission?

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
GazerRise Fantastic!
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
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