Ivan the Incredible
Ivan the Incredible
PG | 16 April 2012 (USA)

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Poor Ivan Olsen is plagued by problems bullied at school and constantly pursued by a gang whose greatest pleasure is filling his pants with water. And when Ivan gets home, his dad doesn't have much sympathy for him either because he is crazy about Tarzan and fails to appreciate Ivan's finer qualities. But one day Ivan gets the chance to live up all of his dad's expectations and give the bullies at school a lesson they will never forget. The big question is whether having superpowers makes life any easier?

ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
kbregan-22610 I watched this movie a few years ago, but I still remember how I wanted to constantly gouge my eyes out. The animation looks like it was done on a potato, the dialog makes absolutely no sense and was obviously sent through google translate, and wasn't checked to make sure it made sense. The plot is what a two year old on crack would write on a bad day. And this is no where near a so bad it's good movie, this movie is an abomination from hell. If you value your mental sanity do yourself a favor and don't see this movie
XXPedia This is, by far, the worst movie I've ever seen. The moral is bad, the animation is bad, the characters are unlikable. I can't find a single redeemable quality to this. I remember going to it knowing it was gonna be pretty bad, but when the movie finished, I was shocked at how horrible it was. Ivan's dad is the worst thing about this entire movie. He is the single most unlikable character in the history of fiction. I mean, how can you even write someone this terrible. He publicly embarrasses his child, and when Ivan becomes magically powerful, he exploits him to make himself wealthy, and he gets what's coming to him, I felt no form of sympathy for him, whatsoever. If I could give this movie a negative rating, I would. All in all, avoid this like it's the plague.
Baker Smith This I found on Netflix and watched it, and I think that they put effort into it, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, I really think that it's much better than their other works though. It has incredibly weird hair animation and it doesn't really make sense. The dad's a jerk, the kid is not a likable character and a lot of the models creep me out, though not as creepy as their other movies. You need to see it to know what I mean. It's good for the Phase 5, but that's not saying much at all. I do like some of the humor and jokes and it feels good when the bullies get dunked, and like I said before, you need to see it to understand what I mean.
nwsts This movie is a kids movie but does not have a good moral. It is a Danish language movie (English dub) and I am writing this from an American perspective, so I'll defer to Europeans for their take on it. But for Americans the moral will not be well thought of. The movie is about bullying and spends almost the entire time (about 80%) showing cruel images of a young boy, Ivan, being abused, which makes for a very uncomfortable 90 minutes. After a long process and very little respite, the movie ends on an abusive note. The moral of the story is that it is better to be abused by a bully than to be a bully. That will not sit well for many people. Also, the implication in the movie was that the adults (school authorities and shopkeepers) were all participants in the cruelty. As for the technical details of the animation, the movie is quite well done, and had the story been even a little bit different, (intervention by school authorities, for example) I would have enjoyed it. As it is, it seems to promote the hopelessness of the victim, and that is a view I'd rather not instill in children.