It Started with a Kiss
It Started with a Kiss
NR | 04 September 1959 (USA)
It Started with a Kiss Trailers

While on leave in New York, a serviceman both weds a chorus girl and wins a red convertible in a charity raffle. Both his wife and the car turn out to be problematic.

TinsHeadline Touches You
PodBill Just what I expected
Console best movie i've ever seen.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
mark.waltz Debbie Reynolds is exposed in her undergarments, escorted out by air force sergeant Glenn Ford just as Cary Grant escorted out Katharine Hepburn in "Bringing Up Baby". The next thing you know, they're married and he's overseas. She has to follow him overseas when he wins a car that brought them together after the sweepstakes booth that she was working at. But her arrival in Spain isn't met with the joy she hoped for as she gets him into all sorts of trouble. When they become friendly with a dashing bullfighter, more problems ensue as the car and her lavish lifestyle brings them attention that doesn't sit well with the military. If there is an older movie where the word " pregnant" is uttered, then I was not paying attention. It's a sign that the 1934 production code was lightening up, but that doesn't make this a good film. There's never any reason to indicate that there's any real attraction between Reynolds and Ford other than the fact that they meet under auspicious circumstances, fight and suddenly wed. Certainly, it's a case of "Taming of the Shrew" where the military is behind the taming. There's talk about obvious intentions of sex, which does add some amusement, but the situation seems truly forced.Beautiful location Spanish footage helps make this visually interesting, as do a few of the squabbles between Reynolds and Ford. A fun supporting cast including Fred Clark, Harry Morgan and Eva Gabor (whom Reynolds would amusingly do imitations of in her nightclub act) also brings some class. But the situation is never entirely believable, which lowers the score even though it has many admirable qualities.
Applause Meter All in all, a mildly entertaining time capsule of days gone bye, bye; the "good old days" when couples married so they could have "legitimate" sex. Debbie Reynolds, a chorus line cutie is at her perky peak, and Glenn Ford, an Air Force sergeant, is his usual dull-as-dishwater leading man. This genre of bedroom farce popular with 1950s' audiences is full of contrived complications, titillating juvenile sexual innuendo but is overall wholesome movie fare.If the Catholic arbiters of morality objected to this movie upon its release, I wonder how the fiery red futuristic car passed condemnation? It's the sexiest thing in the movie. What a babe to ride! Ford's commanding officer tells him the State Department deems the car too "splendiferous." This Lincoln concept car certainly had star power; it went on to be cast as the infamous Batmobile. As the backdrop for the film is Spain, how could the cultural trope of the heroic bullfighter not be included? So that's inserted into the high jinks too. Olé!
Scaramouche2004 This is a charming little film, which like many of it's kind, derives it's charm from the circumstances involved rather than the actual dialogue.Glenn Ford (as always) shines through in a great comedic performance as the penniless Air Force officer, married after just one day to gold-digging showgirl Debbie Reynolds.After the one initial wedding night of passion and a life changing move to Spain, the two quickly realise that apart from the strong sexual attraction they feel for each other they have nothing at all in common.However when she decides to give their marriage a go, it is on the understanding that it for one month trial period only and sex is most definitely not on the cards.Ford is also falling foul to his new $40,000 Lincoln Futura Concept Car (the future Batmobile) which he wins in a raffle the same night he meets his new wife.The car is bringing him unwanted attention from the Air Force, who see it as a vulgar display of American wealth and is bringing suspicions of corruption and embezzlement etc. It is also putting him in the 80-90% tax bracket and as penniless as he is he now faces a tax bill of over $17,000. Not the kind of money you should be owing when your wife is the kind of person who spends over a $1,000 on one shopping trip.Even when he tries to sell it it brings him misfortune as selling so much as a cigarette or a pair of stockings to the natives is punishable by court martial, so you can imagine that a $17,500 transaction practically has the firing squad polishing their rifles.His potential purchaser is also causing him problems as he is a disgustingly handsome Bull-fighting Spanish nobleman, who's interest in the car has lead to a stronger interest in Ford's wife, made worse by the fact that a rich jet-set lifestyle is being offered and is what she has sought for so long.With Ford's sexual frustration rising and jealousy in his love rival mounting, coupled with Reynolds' materialistic attitude and flirtatious behaviour around the enamoured Spaniard serving to drive the wedge deeper between the two, it seems that their whirlwind relationship is destined to end.But can whatever love and attraction that threw these two love birds together in the first place, shine through and keep them together?Not the best example of this genre of film, but due to the watchable performances by it's principles and the enjoyable plot line, it is certainly a fine one.
jwrowe3 I'll admit, the main reason I watched this was for the car. As is mentioned in the Trivia Section, the car in question is a Lincoln dream car from the mid 1950's. Very rarely do these cars make appearances in the `real world', as most don't really function. They usually have no engine, or are made from some material that would be ruined if actually driven. These cars spend their life on a turntable at an auto show with fashion models in, or on them. After they serve their purpose, they get destroyed, or stored. Few, if any turn up in movies, as this Lincoln did, and then go on to TV stardom, as well! Ford later sold the car to custom car designer George Barris, and it became the basis for the Batmobile in the TV series "Batman". And if you were a kid like me at the time, IT was the star of the show. Sorry Batman and Robin!This is what was best described as a `Bedroom Comedy'. Rock Hudson, and Doris Day made movies like this, with a light amount of `sexual tension' sewn into a light comedy movie. You never saw 'anything', it was left to the viewers imagination, what happened.The film itself is decent enough. I like most anything that Glenn Ford did, and Debbie Reynolds turns in another good performance here. The supporting cast is peppered with plenty of folks who, like the car, went on to fame on TV, Eva Gabor, Harry Morgan, Edgar Buchanan, and of course, Francis Bavier.The country side of Spain is beautiful, the acting is competent, so I'll give it a 6 out of 10.