Isle of Fury
Isle of Fury
NR | 10 October 1936 (USA)
Isle of Fury Trailers

An island fugitive and his bride make room for a shipwrecked detective.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
chas reg This is not Bogart's worst film-that honor is reserved for Swing Your Lady-but Isle of Fury is a serious contender. In a perfect world, this would have starred Gable for Bogart; Mary Astor/Jean Harlow for Lindsay; anonymous WB pretty-boy in the Donald Woods role.Thoughts/Remarks/Observations: * The octopus here makes the octopus in Bride of the Monster seem like it came from a Spielberg epic.* Bogart does many, many things well-but sporting a pencil-thin mustache and/or a pith helmet are not among them.*E.E. Clive was either very adept at playing drunks, or actually was drunk for most of the film.
MartinHafer This is a remake of "The Narrow Corner" and I have seen several variations on the film (such as "Tiger Shark" and "Danger Lights"). So, from the onset I found the material very familiar and very predictable. In fact, beginning at the very first scenes featuring the wedding and the shipwreck, I already knew exactly what would be happening later in the movie! The only unusual thing about this B-movie was seeing Humphrey Bogart as the poor husband--and with a very cheesy fake mustache. Why he was given such an uninteresting and thankless role is simply because he was not yet a star. By 1936, he'd been in quite a few films but almost exclusively in bit parts and walk-ons. Though he'd been in Hollywood for about five years, he really hadn't yet made a name for himself.As I said before, the film starts with a wedding on a tiny island in the Pacific. When a boat crashes in the reef, in comes a more handsome and interesting man (Donald Woods) and the new wife is captivated. However, the husband is a sap and he doesn't realize how serious this is and befriends Woods--to his regret.Overall, this is a very simple B-movie with little (other than the novelty of seeing Bogart in a crappy film) to positively distinguish it. And, on the negative side, there is a silly rubber octopus that just needs to be seen to believed. Not horrible but certainly not very good either.
samhill5215 This quickie from Warners packs a lot in its short one-hour running time. Just about everything is thrown in, love, betrayal, greed, jealousy, danger, monsters, etc. etc. I could go on and on! And then there's Bogart with a mustache of all things. He doesn't look too comfortable in it and his performance is a bit wooden and even amateurish but who cares. Margaret Lindsey manages to look positively child-like despite that husky voice of hers. If you get the chance look for her in "Please Don't Eat the Daisies" in a worthy cameo as a prima dona. In my humble opinion she was a most underrated actor. E.E. Clive is reliable as the wise doctor. Donald Woods is probably the weakest link here but again, who cares. There's so much going on the performances are almost irrelevant. There's even underwater photography and a cheesy octopus. This is great escapist fun and well worth seeing.
drednm This laughable 60-minute stinker offers pre-star Humphrey Bogart as a South Seas pearl merchant married to Margaret Lindsay. There might have been a decent story here, but it's been hacked to pieces. During the wedding there's a shipwreck, and washed ashore are a sneaky captain (Paul Graetz) and strange passenger (Donald Woods). Hilarious scene with the louvred door... The storm howls outside, but the slatted door keeps out all the wind, rain, and noise! Anyway, Woods and Lindsay seem to hit it off right away while Bogart is blithely unaware. Storyline includes striking pearl divers because of the "devil fish" and thieving natives. E.E. Clive is droll as the preacher, and Gordon Hart plays the weird grandfather. Bogart battles an ugly moustache and possibly the worst-looking octopus in film history. The acting is terrible across the board, with Gratez and Hart coming off worst. Lindsay and Woods are boring, and Bogart is just plain miscast. The plot twist at the end does little to save this one.