R | 01 January 2000 (USA)
Intrepid Trailers

Hotshot Navy special ops guys get assigned to take a cruise to keep an eye on a VIP's daughter. Once the voyage is under way, somehow a nuke A) gets lost in the vicinity, and goes off. The resulting tidal wave capsizes the cruise ship, and its up to our heros to save the day

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
orgwan83 no one can deny that Coastas Mandylor is one of a kind. he is such an adorable, amazing and talented actor. I don't know how some people think that this movie was an Awful movie. I saw this movie over 5 times and I'm ready to see a hundred times. even my little sister thinks that it is a good and interesting movie. so if you really want a movie that is suitable for the whole family then you may watch Intrepid. it is also worth mentioning that his movie" just dessert"was given the award for best family movie of the year, that alone is something that not many people in the acting world get !!!!!!! I also think that costas has his own way of expressing the themes of his movies, not just with his good looks but with his acting talents as well.... Hollywood must be blind if it cant see that this Australian is worth a milllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiion dollars!!
wombat_1 I agree with the other handful of unfortunates who grimly sat through to the end of the movie. The only person missing from the cast of a movie like this is Michael Dudikoff; although had he been listed in the credits then I would have KNOWN not to rent this movie.It's a shame. Looking at the cast suggested that they could have done better. But I'm not prepared to waste mental energy asking why.
julieandneiljohnson I watched this film on cable whilst on holiday, and immediately regretted spending a valuable 90 minutes of holiday time on it. The plot was a rehash of every disaster movie ever made1. Nuke lost & blown up 2. Passenger ship caught in the tidal wave 3. Secret passengers & spies on board 4. Rescue begins whilst being hampered by secret passengers & spies 5. Etc. etc.Terrible acting, thin plots, truly dreadful special effect. My recommendation would be to spend that 90 mins catching up with old friends, mowing the lawn, washing the car, cleaning the fluff from your belly button - anything except watching this film.
aegm When a friend and I saw this in the recent releases, we decided to get it despite the fact that neither of us had heard of it before. We both like Costas Mandylor and it had James Coburn so we figured it couldn't be that bad. We were wrong. It was. It was REALLY that bad. No actor or actress could have made this film worth seeing. It was like taking Titanic, The Poseidon Adventure and some nuclear bomb film and trying to cut and paste it all together.I must admit that there were a couple of chuckles. I did laugh when the head cabin boy is asking Alan (Costas Mandylor) if he's some "pussy marine." The other laughs this film got though had nothing to do with the writing. I would dearly love to know how the people making this movie thought that you could have a cruise liner knocked upside down and have it remain steady. It isn't tipped or anything.If you are looking for something to watch for Costas Mandylor, James Coburn or any of the rest of this cast, move on. Find something good that they did.