| 26 October 2014 (USA)
Interior Trailers

What starts as a simple paranormal investigation inside a mundane Florida house soon becomes a terrifying experience through the unknown and beyond.

Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
bachemar For a low budget new director feature, this movie has some decent spooky moments. The acting is ok, but the script certainly has some "horror movie stupidity" on the part of the characters. The most perplexing part of the film Is the main character being relatively flippant at the fact that he's locked in a house with real paranormal activity until about twenty minutes before the end of the movie. And after the real scares start there is a part where Sam snaps from being terrified to acting like a disappointed teacher and simply stands in the room scolding the ghosts in an annoyed tone of voice. It really pulls you out of the terror the movie is trying to create and is a glaring error on the part of the director. All in all, it's an ok choice if you get it off Amazon Prime or find it on Netflix and have a boring rainy afternoon, but other than that I wouldn't bother. Though I'd like to see what this director can grow into five or ten years from now.
WisdomsHammer I found this movie on Amazon Prime. The trailer looked decent so I gave it a chance after reading some of the reviews here. Apparently some people were being generous because this was the product of a first time film maker. That doesn't make this worth watching at all.Please don't waste your time with this. There are about five minutes of this thing that are worth watching, but the ending is so unsatisfying that it's not worth wading through.This could have been cut down to 15 minutes and been halfway decent. There are a few interesting moments and Christopher Carullo's performance wasn't bad at all. But after watching this entire thing I felt so cheated that I feel it a duty to tell others so they don't waste their time.
auntieveracharles Guy alone in a house that he is "Ghost Hunting" in for a former girlfriend and her husband and child. Great use of modern tech. Good moments, dumb moments and an ending that is truly incomprehensible.I would have to say that the biggest problem with this movie, besides the INCREDIBLY over-long "circle vision" segment and the WTF ending is verisimilitude. Even fantasy needs a base of reality and verisimilitude.Give it a shot if you've got 90 some minutes to kill... otherwise... pass.
Donald Buehler I believe that it is more difficult to make a good horror movie than other genres. Zach Beckler's "Interior" is an outstanding first film for the young filmmaker. He takes a simple story: One man - one night - one haunted house - and makes it new and fresh by infusing it with technology and technology driven humor. The basic plot is pretty standard - let's film a ghost in a modern haunted house. But the sounds and scares are excellent as the isolated filmmaker who is going to capture the "ghost" moves from skepticism to outright terror as the movie ramps up the scares.Most effective was the use of multiple cameras filming the various rooms. This is not your typical "Paranormal Activity" use of cameras and film (talk about stale, that series should have stopped three movies ago). Beckler uses cameras to great advantage as ofttimes Sam (Christopher Carullo) is too frightened to even look in the next room - so he sticks the camera around the corner and snaps off a bunch of photos. The resulting photos are usually very unsettling and unusual.The videos of Sam as he investigates the disturbances in the house are very disquieting as well.The main actor, Christopher Carullo, does an excellent job as the filmmaker trapped in the house. He conveys a sense of tension that I have not seen since "High Tension" - one of my all time favorites.My only concern was an overly long "black hole" sequence at the end. Not sure what was being portrayed - or why it seemed to go on forever (I was never a great fan of 2001: A Space Odyssey), but this is Beckler's first film, so no big criticism here.Interestingly Beckler has also made a short which accompanies the full length feature called "Where is Alice?" - which is excellent and very artfully builds suspense and thinly disguises terror. You really should see both of them.So I say "great first effort" to Zack Beckler. Unfortunately I do not know where to tell you to go to see these films - but if you can find them they are worth watching.