| 11 September 1999 (USA)
Interceptors Trailers

In the near future the US Government has created an elite team of soldiers specially trained for action in the event of a hostile alien encounter. A multi-national force, they are the last line of defense

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Frank Markland Olivier Gruner continues to put out trash, this time the evidence is essayed in this Predator rip-off. The movie finds a group of commandos stranded an a Mexican town complete with western atmosphere, along the way the alien creature takes over the body and minds of the commando unit (Because what better way to rip off Predator, when we can add a dash of The Thing to it, Now that's creativity!) the production values are unbelievably cheap, the acting is horrid and Olivier Gruner manages to somehow make worse and worse movies. Indeed I was extremely let down by the fact that the box cover promised Ernie Hudson and Brad Dourif, only to give very minimal screen time to the two only actors in the film. However we do get see William Zabka (Back To School and Karate Kid)give hands down one of the most embarrassing performances to ever be featured in an Olivier Gruner flick (No small feat considering Gruner) and his badness provides what entertainment value there is to be had. As for Gruner, he kick-boxes tons of people, grapples with a cheap looking monster and never once changes his facial expression. All and all what we would expect from the worst actor. on a professional level. So in other words the perfect bad movie to laugh at. Indeed this is a perfect movie to watch drunk, due to the surreal badness on view here. So fans of hilarious badness, enjoy! * out of 4-(Bad)
tatooinekenobi it was a while ago i saw this, but it will always stay in my memory as one of the funniest films i have ever seen, and its not even meant to be funny. if u havent seen it, i reckommend it, and watch out for when our hero is interrogated in a chair, or the fly kick japanese fella. top quality comedy
MichaelCorleone2002 I saw this movie on late night Sci-Fi. This movie sucked. It's hilarious, but it's not a comedy. The leader of this group has the most laughable accent changes. First he has a German accent, then an American accent and the surprise twist, he's from FRANCE! And the actor who is supposed to be French can't even muster a good accent of his birth country. And then there's the guy who yelled in order to portray a Mexican accent and shot people for the hell of it. And they had the "hot chick programmer" who wasn't hot. The black dude who's dead before he's even seen on the screen (another insult.) And the most random ending ever. Jumping into a well is the best way to avoid being hit in a nuclear blast.
Gideon40 What a horrible movie. This film is an absolute disgrace to science fiction because it is just incomplete. The organization that is charged with hunting down this alien creature had the most laughable methods any government group could use. Using nuclear weapons in a trigger happy style does not really seem like a very wise decision for a government group. And the alien in this film? oh please! If it is bullet proof, then why did the locals keep having to shoot it even though they know for the hundredth time it is bullet proof?! The same can be said for the fight scenes. The hero fights the alien bare handed, gets clobbered, gets up and fights it again, gets clobbered, and keeps on going on and on and on. I swear the hero was trying to show off his fancy martial arts fighting rather than trying to figure out a way to kill the alien. After about an hour or so of repeatitive and monotonous fighting, the government decides to go nuclear again. This film is bad because of the plot. It is too simple: government sends a team of clumsy specialists to kill an alien, which in turn kills them. FINISHED! Unlike films such as Predator,(which the alien in this film is copied from)Interceptors is a half-done, goofy action flick. If you can imagine the typical movie hero defeating dozens of thugs, put the alien as the hero and the specialists as the thugs and you got an idea of what the action in this show is like.