Starship Rising
Starship Rising
| 08 August 2014 (USA)
Starship Rising Trailers

A corrupt planetary federation… The ultimate weapon of destruction.... One starship captain stands between them….and intergalactic armageddon. STARSHIP: RISING - RISE UP OR DIE In the distant future, an immortal bionic leader, the product of genetic engineering, has ruled over the universe for 200 years. An uprising is being staged by those preserving natural birth.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
hmscollingwood-1 Just about the cheesiest sci-fi film I've ever nearly watched. I tried to sleep through most of it but got woken up by loud bangs (and those weren't the sex scenes). Some of the 'special effects' were a bit steamy... for retro rockets... like something out of a 1940s Buck Rogers pastiche. The overly elaborate weapons with too many extraneous appendages which would be totally impractical in a real battle... The unnecessary shower hose uniforms... The motocross chrome plastic body armour. Various bits and pieces out of a car mechanic's spare parts bin, including an odd 4 inch corrugated rubber hose with jubilee clips that fat boy kept looking into...Storyline..? Next.What can you expect for a mere $3 million, including McDonalds key actors delivery?Did it ever make its budget? Who knows? Who cares..!
trent-26321 Absolutely nothing redeeming about this title at all. The acting is bad, the dialogue is worse, the special effects are not special at all, the cinematography is lackluster, the costumes are like the kind you make as cosplayer, the sound was bad, the musical score basically non-existent, and to top it off the story is boring and uninterestingIf you watch the first 5 minutes you will immediately regret it. The main character is explaining their back story in this sci-fi futuristic action movie and they decided that adding scan lines to the video would make it more futuristic. And not well done scan lines that make the video seem like it might actually be a video...just a low transparency set of scan lines that a 12 year old would put into a video game they are programming because they saw the movie Aliens for the first time.If you make it further than the abysmal intro you are sure to regret it. I had to force myself to finish it because I just wanted to see how bad it could really get and it gets really bad. Please if you have not watched this, do yourself a favor and don't. There is a reason it has such a low rating...if I could give it 0 I would, but 1 is the lowest possible score.
TheLittleSongbird Not the worst movie I've ever seen, the special effects were surprisingly quite good(pretty much the one element that showed signs of any effort) and Darren Jacobs and Emii do what they can in the lead roles. Nothing else on the other hand works. Other than the special effects Starship: Rising does not look very good, at its worst embarrassingly amateurish. The camera work and editing are choppy, at no point is there a well-placed camera angle. Even worse is the use of green and blue screen, very over-used and sometimes irrelevant, it's also so distracting that it was difficult to find any admiration in the sets. The music is generic, sluggishly paced and like a monotonous drone, and to make things worse it often overbears the dialogue, which can be blamed on the sound mixing recording the music too loud and the dialogue too soft. Not that the dialogue is anything special to begin with, in fact it's all over the place with lots of it sounding random and confused. The characters are under-written cardboard cut-outs that it's difficult to engage with them, and while the leads try their best the acting on the most part is laughably stiff. But the biggest problem with Starship: Rising is the story which is laboriously paced, incredibly convoluted to the point that trying to work out what's going on is a real struggle and with a lot of back-story that added and explained absolutely nothing, only succeeding in slowing the movie down. In conclusion, aside from the special effects and the efforts of the two leads Starship: Rising was almost unwatchable. 2/10 Bethany Cox
JoeB131 This movie screams 'Student film project', except that most student film projects have a concept of what they are trying to do.So you have some passable space scenes between an incomprehensible plot. There's apparently two factions of humanity, one some weird empire and the other a weird space religion based on abusing women so they all hate men. Or something.And apparently the evil space empire entrusts their best weapon to the son of a political dissident.So what we have are excuses for space battle scenes that are probably the only somewhat good thing in this movie. The acting is dreadful.