| 05 December 2005 (USA)
Insecticidal Trailers

Cami is a dedicated student of entomology that is researching insects in her sorority house. When her sorority sister Josi sprays insecticide on her bugs, Cami becomes upset. But sooner she learns that the insects had grown bigger and bigger and she and her sisters are under siege by the insects. Further, Josi is the host of the breed of mutant insects that are very hungry.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
trashgang This was Jeffery Scott Lando first attempt to direct a flick. Well, he already made his name by making a turkey. Let me clear it out for you, the story is as simple as it can be but it's the use of CGI that makes it a turkey. Even the attacks by the bugs are off-screen, so you only see some puss flying around or hitting the actors. And let me go in on the acting, it's lesser than mediocre by some. The girl (Rhonda Dent) changing into a so-called bug is exaggerating in her acting. Just watch when she's eating a human corpse. If it was to be a comedy I would go buy that kind of acting but here, sorry, no can do. The best part was in fact the main lead Cami (Meghan Heffern), she did well as the nerdy girl and look, she went on to do The Fog and Chloe. The rest all disappeared into bad flicks or stopped acting.But I guess they all knew that it wasn't what it was to be so there is a shower scene were we have gratuitous nudity full shaved frontal. Further we have some kinky chick getting into SM but naturally they all got attacked by the bugs. Maybe the best ones were the slugs, if they all could have looked like them then it could have been great. But the SyFy look of the bugs teared this flick really into a turkey. There's almost no blood in it and if it does it isn't scary or gory on any part. One to see with your friends and having big fun with the stupidity of the blonds, the nudity and the over-sized bugs of Samantha McLeod.Gore 0/5 Nudity 3/5 Effects 0/5 Story 1/5 Comedy 1/5
Cecil_B_Demented_2212 I never watched it, I want to watch it but I doubt I'll ever come across it.But I can hear you now, you never watched it why are you commenting on it? Simple I don't have to watch it to know exactly what kind of movie it is. A cheep, badly made, most likely poorly acted, direct to DVD horror/trying to be scary film. And guess what a good 80% of those kind of movies suck, a lot. Some can be good, most no so with that being said if you go and watch this movie and then get mad that such a poorly made movie was ever created and that you watched it all I can ask is WHY did you watch it? Did it trick you? Did you think, woah the last few I watched looked really bad maybe this one is different? Did you say wow a low budget movie that will be about monster bugs killing people i bet it looks really cool? You had to know going in this movie would be craptastic so you should have watched it for one reason and one reason only You enjoy bad movies If you don't, do not watch them.It's simple really. It astounds me how often i go through the IMDb pages of crappy horror movies and see people complain did you really pick outthe movie and expect something good...really? I happen to like crappy horror movies, its a guilty pleasure of mine. I find the terrible acting to be funny, the lines can't be worse then the one liners and CSI:Miami and I love that show too, the bad sets? terrible CGI? Its all for giggles for me I adore SCI Fi channel movie marathons because its cheese plain and simple. Cheezy fun, learn to enjoy it or learn to realize when you pick up a movie or flip to one that 'hey this is one of those cheep badly made movies i hate i shouldn't watch it' because if you do sit there and watch it and you knew it was a mad movie or you assumed it was bad and then become outraged that it WAS those things don't bother posting on here or any other site about it whats the point? You knowingly wasted time, don't waste more of it Thats why Im giving this movie a ten. I love crap horror, and I'll always love it and I bet if I watched this movie I would adore all its failures because that's what movies like this are made for Cheep Popcorn Enjoyment.
redhead9898 'Insecticidal' is a great cheesy film.College student Cami is obsessed with here bug collection of Rhinoceros Beetles, Sluggs, Scopions, Tarantulas, praying mantis, princer bugs, and more. Her bugs get on here sorority sisters, Sophi, Fumi, Cherri, Belli, Twisti, Jenni, and most of all, the woman of the house, Josi. Josi's boyfriend Mitch holds Cami and her boyfriend Martin while Josi sprays insecticide on Cami's bugs, mutating them. After Cherri, Belli, Kyle, Dick, Twisti and the pizza boy disappear, Cami, Sophi, Jenni, Fumi, Mitch, (well, not exactly Mitch, Mitch is just alive) find out about the bugs and fight against them, while Josi, the mean girl, becomes a zombie.the cgi is bad, but acting and dialogue is good, action and violence, suspense, but the cgi is still pretty convincing, it is a good film, Sophi's performance after her girlfriend Jenni, (they are lesbians) is killed. Vicky Huang is good, the girl who plays Cami, the boy who does Mitch, also Martin and the gorgeous Rhonda Dent who plays Josi, along with Jenni, the others do okay but this is order from bet acting to worst acting: 1) Josi 2) Cami 3) Sophi 4) Fumi 5) Jenni 6)Matin 7) Mitch 8) Dick 9) Twisti 10) Belli 11) Cherri 12) Kyle 13) Sluggo (Zombie???) 14) security guard (??????????????????) This is a great film with good, good, good actors! Rent it or buy it!!! 10/10 stars.
SnoopyvsRedBaron To say this "movie" is awful is not enough. Too bad that IMDb does not contain negative numbers to rate this piece of trash. I originally thought at least prepubescent boys might like this movie for the female eye candy but looking at the laughable CGI I think they would hate this movie also. The plot is lame, acting is so bad where the "reality shows" are Oscar material compared to this. Did I mentioned the special effects or lack of? The CGI looks like it were done not on a Commodore 64, like the above commenter mentioned, but on a Tandy TRS-80. Especially the Praying Mantis, it looks like someone did not even bothered to look at an insect book, an Animal Planet documentary, or even the old b&w sci-fi movie, THE DEADLY MANTIS, to get an accurate rendition of the a praying mantis. Imagine a crudely drawn bug (ala 5 yo kid) with a Kermit the Frog head and you pretty much get the idea how bad the mantis was "created". I think everyone involved made this movie for some film class they are taking at the college they maybe attending. I can not believe they took themselves seriously when they made this barf bag of a film. I just want to say to future film students watch this as a lesson IN NOT WHAT MAKE and you will live a long happy life.