| 10 April 2015 (USA)
Infernal Trailers

A happy young couple welcomes their first child shortly after getting married. Their joy quickly turns to fear when the girl starts acting strangely and unexplained phenomena start happening around the house.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Charlie-52 Terrible acting, terrible story line, terrible cinema work, terrible everything. At one point you see a doll supposedly walking across the room by itself. It is obvious that it is a puppet and you can actually see the puppeteer's hands in the top of the screen. Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
glennspillman I honestly didn't like this movie from the very start. The acting seemed forced, and I almost turned if off just 10 minutes in. BUT, I have a rule...once I start a movie, no matter how bad that it is, I have to finish it. First off, the continuity of the film had some issues. For instance, when the girl was in the car combing her hair, her hair with very blond. Then when she got out of the car it was more red and dirty brownish. Some of the scenes were WAY to long and drug out. The actors kept repeating dialogue, but in a slightly different way. The "demon" that they had for the film looked more like a party gag than anything remotely scary. The demonic talking when the father went into the closet, was absolutely amateurish and ridiculous. The "possession" of the father was way off base, but at least they got most of the elements of possession in there. BUT, then they let him become more and more compassionate with the mother. I did however like the little girl and the hammer scene, that was probably my favorite part of the movie. I had to keep pausing the movie to see how much more time that I had to deal with this crappy movie.
cohart-43110 I rented this from red box, total waste, I had a coupon and paid 53 cents, still total waste! The movie is cheesy, no plot, boring, bad acting & too long to get to a point that didn't even make sense. Don't waste your money or time. I have never written a review on here before but felt the need to after watching this awful movie. It was that bad, I wanted to prevent others from wasting money on it. Even the boring b rated horror movies are better than this. Save your money and rent something else. I wouldn't even watch this on TV if it was free had I known it was that bad so don't bother. I can't believe someone would even put this out! They should be embarrassed. This can't even be given more than a star because there wasn't any good points to the movie. After a few minutes I wanted to turn it off but forced myself to watch it because I paid for it, even tho it was a few cents, it's too much for this.
Jo Christy This movie is BAD. No talent was involved in the making of this what so ever. The actors were almost as fake as the "scary" demon that came out of the closet. Come on it looks like they took a random person from the streets who never acted before, put them in a (not very good) costume and said "be scary". When the guy was "running" up the stairs they barely showed him and you were just confused on what was happening. You can obviously tell that the director didn't care very much about this movie. The audio was completely terrible. The demonic laugh throughout the movie was one of those stupid laughs people mock and make fun of. Also in the beginning when the cross on the wall turns upside down it sounds like a dying cat mixed with a car crash just got put in a blender. Most of the time there would be some random music or dumb sound effect and you wouldn't even know if the characters could hear it or what. The whole movie was just confusing. You didn't know what was happening most of the time because the camera wasn't even on anything and when it was NOTHING happened. Scenes just skipped around and sounded like the director was just like "oh I feel like doing a scene where no one knows what is happening and add in some fake demon laughs". The toys on strings we're pathetic. When the guy was running yo the stairs to save his screaming daughter it took him like 10 minutes. This movie is REALLY bad and there are so many other bad this that I just cannot go on.