R | 05 September 2005 (USA)
Infection Trailers

A meteor carrying an unknown infection, lands outside a Small Californian community, bringing terror and death. Just after midnight, a local rancher named Larry Jenkins discovers the meteor and calls the police. Inspector Bardo is sent to the scene to investigate. The small Lawton police department is short-handed, as it is the night of the high school prom. Arriving at a desolate forest road miles out of town, Bardo discovers that Jenkins has been infected by the alien organism. The officer is savagely attacked and infected. Both men head towards Lawton, terrorizing and contaminating everyone they encounter. Meanwhile, Cheryl and Timmy have left the prom and are parked atop Lover's Lane. Bardo comes upon the lovebirds and attacks them, infecting Timmy. Now Cheryl must run for her life through the pitch-black forest, escaping her pursuers and trying to reach the authorities before the infection spreads to L.A.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Randy Dreammaker (RDreammaker) I am still laughing, just because I wasted twenty minutes watching this before coming to IMDb to rate it.As a filmmaker myself, I can't even imagine sitting through watching Infection at a free film festival.I am laughing in part because it's the only film I have ever seen with an IMDb credit that has a single non-stop camera without more than a handful of cuts.If there is ever an award for worst film, this could be the winner.The film begins with five or six minutes of on screen text dialog to set things up. Again, I have never seen a feature film begin with page after page of text set-up.The first footage that appears, looks like it is filmed on a PXL 2000 Fisher Price Camera and tinted in green, the acting is poor and it has a 1970's feel about it. (Its supposedly 2006)The viewer is then treated to a unfathomable amount of landscape and night driving on a road, illuminate with only headlights, and presented in a drivers point of view. This continues for 15 minutes an ADR (Audio Dialogue Replacement) of the main character (who you do not see), engages in a conversation with a supposed dispatch person who eventually appears in a In-Picture framing.At this point in the film, you might feel like shooting yourself in the head to escape the misery, but instead, you will continue watching this barbaric deviancy in hopes of a scene change; you just get more of the same.Eventually the vehicle comes to a stop, you get to see the main character, view horrible acting with horrible storyline dialog until he returns to the vehicle in search of more awful characters to annoy you with.Suddenly you will finally realize, this film just wasted a significant period of your existence on planet earth and hit the stop button.Obviously, the writer, producer and director have never attended film school. All the rules they teach in filmmaking level A are broken in the first 5 minutes of the set-up text.That being said, despite being the worst film ever credited and featured on IMDb, there is still hope for anyone who can make a feature film, get it into a festival, have it on DVD, etc. It may not be much hope, but everyone has to start somewhere.
Jeff W I give this movie a 4, if only because there was one spot that made me jump out of my jammies, and that usually gives any movie I rate 3 stars or so. They get another star for doing this movie in one continual shot, unlike other 'cam' movies. Not sure what to say about the acting. Amazing though that at no point did they break out into uncontrollable laughter. In a way, this looks like it could have been a high school or college project. There are some inconsistencies that didn't make a lot of sense, for example, cell phones not working (c'mon Verizon!) yet two-way voice/video between police vehicle and police station functioning, to some extent anyway. And, I do have to ask, but why do people always get 'invaded' or 'infested' through the ear? I think Star Trek did that, one time is enough. Not sure what to make of the 'ghosting' parts. That part is never explained. (actually, nothing is explained) Also, does rural California look like that? It looks like something you'd see in the Great Lakes area, it reminded me of the sorta crappy roads you get in Ontario when you're by Lake Huron. Word has it that if you watch the 15 minutes of credits (really, 15 minutes!) you get no additional information. Anyway, the only recommendation I can make to the producers of this movie, if they're reading this review, when doing a dash-cam movie, mount the cam a little higher. I really don't need to see the hood of the police vehicle for an hour. Also, what cop wears jeans while on duty? They do sell blue or black work pants at Wal-Mart. I'm not a movie producer, so I won't critique anything else. But, just saying, the girl gets a real nice prom dress..surely $30 pants from Wal-Mart or Marks Work Warehouse wouldn't have broken the bank.
Misteriomag32 I spotted the DVD on a store near my home, and since I'm a "cheesy horror movie/alien flicks" addict, I wondered how good it was. It even had two award mentions on the cover (I don't remember what festival it won) so I figured "Hey this might be good". So I bought it (for five euros) and I came here to IMDb to check out some reviews. Here, either people bashed the movie to say it was bad, or people said the movie was a wonderful feat in indie movies bla, bla. I then played the DVD, not thinking about any review I had read, with an open mind, and not expecting anything at all.Man... I don't' like being this critical, but the movie was genuinely bad... OK, I'm just going to give out some pointers of what I thought:1-Acting/dialog: The acting was so confusing... sometimes the actors did a decent job, but there were scenes were I could spot no effort at all from them! The dialog was even worst... I think it was probably the aspect I most disliked in the whole movie. The talking in between characters seemed... off. Not just bad, but far away from the actual happenings in the movie. The monologues of the female character, although well delivered, became boring and annoying in a little while... But of course the most ridiculous aspect was the... "aliens" or the "infected"... I wont even comment on that one, just going to say that it was absolutely ridiculous and took the entire mood away from the picture; 2-Visuals: the strongest aspect in the movie... if you forget the awful FX and light flashes they used to simulate explosions or what the hell they were supposed to be. The "camera in car" aspect was quite cool actually, but they didn't even used the environment to inspire fear or dread. They left that to cheap sound and video FX and the three "infected" characters. The movie becomes boring in so many scenes...; 3-Sound: Talk about editing... this movie has no problems in showing how weakly edited it was. From computer sounds imitating the forest animals to the "alien dialog"... ah...So what did I like in the movie... (SPOILERS) the only thing I really liked and it was actually quite scary was the succession of two scenes where the car is still and you spot something/someone walking in a distant. At first I really thought it was me seeing things, but when the character realizes that the "figures" coming towards her were her own reflection, I was surprised! Pretty creepy idea done well! Apart from that... I had an awful time.And I don't recommend this to anyone... not even "teen get together" because you can't even laugh at this...I give it a solid 2. Only some technical achievements worked here... apart from that... yeah... nothing
writeonkat Okay, first I should say that I assume this was just made by a group of friends with a limited budget. With that in mind, it really shouldn't be compared to blockbuster features and my rating would be higher. But still...After giving it a chance, it still violated some basic film-making rules to such an extent that both the viewer and the amateur director in me cringed. A LOT.Think: Blair Witch in a car but REALLY boring.Think: You left your camcorder on the dashboard and recorded yourself getting lost in the park at night for an hour, then making your friends watch it.The scariest part (POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT... IF SPOILING HERE IS POSSIBLE) was at one point the picture rewinds and you might think you will have to watch it all over again. SCARY.Silliness aside, this is a pretty good idea for a low-budget lets-go-make-a-movie-tonight film. But the concept walks a fine line between being really good and really bad, and let's just say it wasn't really good. There were just too many parts where nothing happened. At first I thought that was the director's plan -- you were supposed to be lulled into a sense of security and then really scary things would start happening. kept trying to find good things to say about it (and I had plenty of time to think), and I'll say the music was kinda cool. And I have to give the female lead credit for standing around by herself looking scared for a really, really long time. But that's it. The actors playing "infected" people looked as if they were making fun of zombie movies. Or they got their motivation from the Bug wearing his Edgar suit from "MIB." Chances are, if for some strange reason you're going to watch this movie, it's on DVD or Tivo, so you can fast forward it whenever waiting for something to happen gets too difficult.I hate to be so critical of something, but at the same time I've watched a lot of similar movies and nothing has ever been this painful. If they just chopped a half an hour out of it and added some scary stuff, it might be decent. Maybe that'll be the director's cut...