In the Pink of the Night
In the Pink of the Night
G | 18 May 1969 (USA)
In the Pink of the Night Trailers

The Pink Panther has problems waking up in the morning and buys a cuckoo clock, but it causes more problems.

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
TheLittleSongbird So far the Pink Panther cartoons have been very entertaining, there are a couple of strange and disappointing ones but none have been bad and most range from good to classic. In the Pink of the Night is one of the classics and a highlight of the remarkably consistent set of the 1969 Pink Panther cartoons(probably so far the 1969 collection has been the most consistent of the yearly collections produced). Some Pink Panther cartoons are routine but In the Pink of the Night is one of the more original ones concept-wise, the structure is similar but the idea is a little different to what has been seen before and since. This can be seen especially in the ending, which is unexpected and uproariously funny. As well as being among the best and one of the more original Pink Panther cartoons, In the Pink of the Night is also one of the funniest. The laughs are consistent in quality, and the gags, as with most Pink Panther cartoons they're visual-driven rather than dialogue-driven and all the better for it, are a vast majority of the time hilarious, never less than very amusing. The ending is the best part. The animation maintains the simplicity that has always been one of the cartoons' charms and does so elegantly and colourfully. The music is jazzy and fits with the action well, and there is no real need to say that no matter how many times you hear the theme tune you can never get annoyed by it. Pinky is cool and likable and his comic timing amuses and endears. The cuckoo bird is cute though it is easy to see how problematic it is for Pinky, you do feel sorry for him. All in all, a classic Pink Panther cartoon, one of the best. 10/10 Bethany Cox
Catherine Ray I saw this one when I was little. I used to watch Pink Panther cartoons a lot a long time ago along with my big brother. I remember the Pink Panther missed the train to work because he wasn't getting enough sleep so he decided to buy a cuckoo clock which was guaranteed to wake him up. Sure enough, after he installed the clock and set the alarm, a real live cuckoo bird was starting to get really annoying by trying to wake up his master which I found pretty funny! Annoyed and angry, the Pink Panther tries to shut that crazy bird up, but the little bird won't give up until he gets the job done; but the P.P. declares that this is the last straw when the bird tries to wake him up with a one-man (or shall I say, one-bird) band, and dumps him in the ocean. However, he begins to feel guilty for what he had done, thinking of what would have happened to that poor thing and races to find him.
Atreyu_II "In The Pink Of The Night", what can I say? One of my favorite Pink Panther's cartoons! Like most of Pink Panther's animated classics, this one is highly entertaining, great fun, hilarious and very well made.The Pink Panther is an almost 100% silent character, but that doesn't stop him from being a very funny character (a bit like Charlie Chaplin and Mr. Bean).The artwork here is simple yet pretty good, like in most of Pink Panther's classics.The story is pure fun and silly humor, which makes it so pleasant to watch: the Pink Panther wakes up late and does everything in a hurry because he's already late for work. He leaves his house running, but loses the train precisely in the last second. Angry, he decides to buy a cuckoo clock to avoid more oversleeping.That's when the whole fun starts: the cuckoo clock works out very well in fact, but the Panther gets so irritated for being awake that he decides to silent the cuckoo in every ways. But the cuckoo is very persistent, so he never gives up. He does everything to wake up his new master. Everything. The craziest and most hilarious things. The more the Pink Panther tries to silent him, the more the cuckoo insists.This is pure classic humor! A real scream, I'd say. A very enjoyable Pink Panther animated short full of comic gags.
cruelmo From the very beginning of this short, the humor is pure genius. That having been said, I must point out that there are really two distinct types of P.P. cartoons, those with dialogue and those without. I tend to prefer the ones without. This particular short is one of those. P.P's expressions say so much more than any dialogue can. I won't give the story away, but I'll just say that P.P's methods of dealing with his situation are simply hilarious. In most of these cartoons, either P.P. has something or someone getting on his nerves and we watch as he attempts to subdue the thing/person, or P.P. himself is the one getting on someone else's nerves. The former is the case in this particular short. All I can say is, get the 5-disc DVD set, it's well worth the price for 124 of these hilarious cartoons; over 9 hours worth! If you loved these cartoons half as much as I did, you won't regret it!