Baby Puss
Baby Puss
NR | 25 December 1943 (USA)
Baby Puss Trailers

Tom is dressed up and treated like a baby by the little girl of the house.

Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
erezz223 It felt like watching a snuff film. The cruelty for the sake of sadism was unbearable. Poor Tom did nothing to deserve this physical and verbal sadistic abuse. Even films such as "Hostel" and "Saw" weren't so disturbing as this short cartoon. I would never even dream to let my children watch this abomination!
Michael_Elliott Baby Puss (1943) *** 1/2 (out of 4)One of the best in the series has Tom being dressed up as a baby by the little girl who lives with him. This leads to Tom being picked on by Jerry but things get even worse for the poor cat when a group of alley cats show up to continue the abuse. BABY PUSS is without question the best film in the series up to this point and it manages to feature one great laugh after another. For starters, the voice of the little girl is just so perfectly annoying that you really can't feel Tom's pain. The comedy aspect is extremely high and especially with the various abuses that Tom receives at the hands of the other cats. The diaper changing sequence is just a classic as is the scene where Jerry does some cross-dressing. Fans of the series will certainly love this one.
TheLittleSongbird There may be the odd joke that I agree could be perhaps a little on the mean-spirited side of things, but this is occasionally. Overall, Baby Puss is very well animated and very funny, well to me it is. Tom is great here and takes his humiliations well, while Jerry is as cunning as usual, and the girl and alley cats are good support. Even more impressive than the characters is the animation and music. For me, Baby Puss in terms of animation is one of the best-looking Tom and Jerry cartoons, with the backgrounds and colours stunning. The music has a lot of energy and beauty, while the cartoon goes at a cracking pace and while there is the odd sadistic gag(though none of them are as sadistic as the Gene Dietch cartoons) Baby Puss is very funny and makes the most of a somewhat unoriginal but never predictable story. So overall, very enjoyable, well animated and funny. 9/10 Bethany Cox
Julia Arsenault (ja_kitty_71) This short is one of my favorite Tom & Jerry shorts from 1943. In this short, Tom was forced to play "baby" for the little girl of the house and he did not like it one bit! except for the milk from the bottle. Then when the child left the room, Jerry peeks from behind a doll house and sees Tom, who is enjoying the bottle (for the milk) and mocks him by playing "Rock-a-Bye Baby" on the turntable and pretends to be a baby himself - I love that part. Tom is furious and chases Jerry into the doll-house. Just when it seems that Tom has Jerry cornered, Nancy returns and scolds Tom again. Tucking Tom back in bed, Nancy threatens to feed him castor oil if he gets out again.Jerry emerges from the doll house and runs to the window to get the attention of Meathead (from the short Sufferin' Cats! ), Butch and Topsy, Tom's three alley cat friends who are outside. When the trio see Tom, they begin to make fun of him. When Tom confronts the other cats, they continue to tease and humiliate him...poor Tom. Overall, I love this cartoon.