In the Name of God
In the Name of God
PG-13 | 11 January 2008 (USA)
In the Name of God Trailers

The film is about the difficult situation in which the Pakistanis in particular and the Muslims in general are caught up since 9/11. There is a war going on between the Fundamentalists and the Liberal Muslims. This situation is creating a drift not only between the Western world and the Muslims, but also within the Muslims. The educated and modern Muslims are in a difficult situation because of their approach towards life and their western attire. They are criticized and harassed by the fundamentalists and on the other hand the Western world sees them as potential suspects of terrorism just because of their Muslim names.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
x_d I saw Bol from the same director and gave it a nine. Found that this earlier work was even more highly rated here so had a look. Script content was definitely eye opening giving an insight for me to another religion and culture. However at 3 hours long, it was slow and could have had 30 mins trimmed. The acting was also rather stiff. As a movie enjoyment, it is worth a 5 but i gave it a lower score to balance the bias likely from other voters.As far as religion goes I can not believe how it is acceptable to force a marriage onto someone without consent. I have 2 daughters who I love dearly, who also love me in return. I can never fathom doing anything to them that causes them pain and misery.The best religion is one which teaches you to live life and treat others how you would like to be treated.Cheers.
s-sunilpal123 We have all seen and heard about the dilemma- is music allowed in Islam or not? Khuda kay Liye has the same as a major plot point but delivers nothing new to the pro-music league of arguments. The fact that Prophet Dawood (pbuh) had "mousiki" is open to a two-forked interpretation- that he had only the singing gift and not music, so music might be still banned in Islam; and that he actually had the combined talent of both and music is permitted in Islam. More research and better proof are still required to resolve these arguments- and both can hardly be provided by means of commercial cinema. The musical score is the best I have heard in a long long time. Bandeya Ho and Allah Hoo give such a tug to your heart that you cannot help being mesmerized into a trance like state, while listening to them. Execution is sloppy in most parts but outstandingly brilliant in some. Especially the accent and "talaffus" of some actors is nothing sort of marvelous- worthy of note are the actors who played Moulana Tahiri and Mansoor's Father. But with these, the movie has its fair share of horrible acting performed by the characters Mary, her father and Mansoor. Mary is always toggling between her true native accent and the fake British one; which is kind of slightly amusing after a while into the movie. Her father, the loathsome characterization notwithstanding, makes you wish to hit him with a brick. And who ever says the actor who played Mansoor did well deserves a mental checkup. You just have to note the extreme weight issues, a single expression on his face, and the use of "You see...." again and again and again while talking in English with his girlfriend; to state that his acting was nauseating, at the least. Naseeruddin Shah did a fine job with his cameo, though his speech did seem to be kind of extempore, to me. The FBI Agent did a fine job too! Editing the movie removing the badly acted segments could have made it crisper and a better movie overall.
qadirmagsi I Saw this today and was impressed by Shoaib Mansoor, again..............There were a few bits that were a bit overacted, and the editing could have been better in a few places but overall this is an excellent movie and a must watch for people who want to understand the dilemma that the average pakistani finds himself in, specially after 9/11.The music in the movie will move a lot of people. Even if you do not understand the words, you will still be moved. Personally i feel that shoaib should do more movies. He has a rare gift of bridging the cultural divide.
zain raza It is the best Pakistani film i have ever seen in my whole life. I must be honest and say that i do not watch too many Pakistani films because of the Gujjar and Ghantasa culture in films. The industry has been ruined since those films have been releasing. It was in the 1970s when Pakistani and Indian films were at the same standard, but now the Bollywood films have reached at a level when they are releasing great films by copying Hollywood blockbusters, the Lollywood industry is still at the new culture (SORRY TO SAY) given to it by the Punjabi film makers who prefer Gujjars rather than Modern cinema like this. The film was brilliant in all the aspects it could be, from acting, dialogues, screenplay to the direction and cinematography. The topic was really sensitive and was handled tremendously by the Pakistani SHOMAN (SHOAIB MANSOOR). The way he wrote and directed the film told that Pakistani industry can't only reach the level of Bollywood, but can also make films way better than Bollywood. The story is also inspired in the film called NEW YORK. The film showed two topic, one was Extremism in Pakistan and the other one was the way Americans reacted post 9/11. Both the topics were shown in an engaging manner and kind of connected to each other. The way shoman showed the Maulana and the White officer was shocking, the last and the most controversial part by Naseer Uddin Shah was an eye opener and changed the perspectives of many Muslims around the world.The Ratings: SHOAIB'S Direction was mind blowing: 10/10 Shoaib Mansoor's dialogues were eye openers: 100/10 Story was original and not a rip off: 10/10 Shaan's acting was wonderful and showed he is no less than a bollywood actor: 10/10 Iman Ali did her job well but overacted in parts: 8/10 Fawad is a new discovery and did good: 9/10 Cinematography was really good: 10/10 Music was excellent (TILUK KAMOD & DUNYA HO WERE GREAT): 10/10 Background Score was just okay: 8/10 Editing could have been better: 9/10 BUT MOST OF ALL SHOAIB MANSOOR SHOWED THAT HE IS THE FINEST IN Pakistan AND CAN EASILY COMPETE ANY BOLLYWOOD PRODUCER OR DIRECTOR WHO ARE ALWAYS LOOKING FOR AN English FILM TO COPY (HAHA LOSERS).SHAAN WAS WAY BETTER THAN ANY BOLLYWOOD ACTOR AND COPIED NO ONE. THE STORY WAS ORIGINAL AND WAS NOT A RIP OFF OF A Hollywood MOVIE. IT DESERVES ALL STARS AND NEEDS TO WIN ALL AWARDS IT CAN! A MUST WATCH FOR ANYONE, IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED IT GO NOW!!!