| 22 April 2003 (USA)
Ignition Trailers

A web of intrigue and conspiracy lies beneath the euphoria as the U.S. is about to put a man on the moon for the first time in over thirty years

ThiefHott Too much of everything
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
tedg Spoilers herein.This little disaster probably resulted from 9-11. I get the impression that the project was halted halfway through and was just shoved out in this form.No great loss. But it does have two interesting elements. The first is Lena Olin. I think she is one of the most interesting woman in film. Some talent, deep training, cinematic poise. I appreciate actors who understand levels. She does, but doesn't quite have the chops to pull them off, so you can see in her eyes the intent. It is an exotic seduction.The second is this director who seems to be on the "artistic" edge of TeeVee production. He does a lot of adventurous things with the camera for no apparent reason, but then sometimes it clicks. For instance, the opening sequence is pretty thrilling in a Karwai manner: all black and white except for red architectural elements. No angle natural, no perspective right angled, no movement of humans in any way related to the position of the camera. Again, the same thing when one witness is caught and killed by the mean old Army guys.I get the impression that this could have been worth watching for these two elements of style if the project had been funded enough for someone to wrestle this director's impulses into shape.Ted's Evaluation -- 2 of 4: Has some interesting elements.
kim_carns I just got a copy of Ignition and watched it without any disappointment, except for Nicholas Lea whom didn't get a huge role in the film other than playing the part a ex-husband. It definately had its heartwarming moments with scenes of a relation ship between father and daughter. I recommend this film to anyone who likes a little bit of everything in a movie. There wasn't too much violence, but the film was pretty realistic.
trodgers-3 I expected a B grade movie - but this was MUCH better than B grade.Well directed, produced and acted and INTELLIGENT (a rare commodity these days).It's not the best movie I've ever seen, but it's a better quality movie than most of the so-called "block-busters" I've seen recently...
swordfish-1 Truly said when I rent this movie I expected a true disaster. I don't even know why I rented it. But I must say I was quite impressed with it. It had a bit of humor and it was also a good thrill. There are a lot of better movies but this one is also worth of watching. Rent it cause it's pretty damn good.