If Tomorrow Comes
If Tomorrow Comes
NR | 16 March 1986 (USA)
If Tomorrow Comes Trailers

This mini-series focuses on two people, Tracy Whitney and Jeff Stevens. In the beginning, Tracy was an innocent, who was in love and pregnant, with the son of an affluent family. Obviously her family did not approve of her. She would sent ot prison for a crime she didn't commit. Eventually, she got released. She then set out to get back at the people who framed her. She would try to rebuild her life but her prison record would always be a hindrance. She would be offered a job, stealing jewelry. Jeff is con-man who thought he found true love, but when he learned that his wife did not feel about him as he did, decided to con some of her friends and divorce her. Their paths would cross when Tracy after stealing what she was contracted to, meets up with some policemen, one of whom is Jeff. Apparently her boss tried to double cross her but she manages to outwit them.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
ma-zaytsev It's simply my the most beloved mini ever! I watched it many time and always with the same great interest. Such great movies are made really rare, such books are written really once a decade. Inspite its ages the movie looks perfect even in XXIst century. It's one of the few movies everyone HAS TO see. Classics for all time. Every time I watch this movie I ask myself how could anyone make such a simple and much appealing masterpiece that doesn't get old and silly. It seems that the story is always topical and of high interest from the audience. P.S. Thanx to NTV, Russian TV channel that broadcast it every year on New Year holidays.
Bjorn (ODDBear) One of the most entertaining mini-series ever in my opinion.Tracy (Smith) gets sent to prison by a slimy crimelord and his attorney who were more or less responsible for her mother's death, and she is sentenced to 15 years. Planning to escape, she winds up getting pardoned and avenges her own injustice as well as her mother's. Having lost everything of value in her previous life, she embarks on a totally new one as a master thief, trained by mysterious Richard Kiely. She meets Berenger, who's in her line of work as well, and the two strike up a working relationship and a romantic one. Hot on their trail is a slimy detective (David Keith) who seems to have a personal agenda concerning Tracy.This is a hugely entertaining globe trotting adventure courtesy of writer Sidney Sheldon. Madolyn Smith and Tom Berenger are simply sensational in the lead and the rest of the cast are very good as well, particularly Liam Neeson as a french policeman. Seasoned television director Jerry London keeps this 5 hour marathon continually entertaining, with twists and turns at every corner.There's a dramatic shift between the first part and second, the first one dealing with Smith and Berenger separately but in the second one the fun really gets going as they team up and stage on grandiose heist after another. The David Keith side story adds a psychological twist which is mostly well handled, but not explained well enough.If you like mini-series you'll love this one. Really deserves a red carpet DVD treatment, as it's nearly a trip down memory lane 'cause these mini-series aren't what they used to be. This is one of the all time best.
nstepanova I have gotten the first part of it from a friend quite a long time ago, when I was still a teenager, and we watched it with my parents. We were so sucked in, that as soon as the first tape was over, we called the friend, and asked if she could meet us with the second tape. She did, so we watched the whole thing back to back, and loved it! The story is really clever and interesting, there is a lot of humor in it as well, and the characters, albeit thieves, are very likable. I'd say it's in the same league as "Ocean's 11", but perhaps even more poignant, because the characters are better developed (if for no other reason, because the series are longer than any movie can possibly be). It's a treat!
m* I recently purchased this movie, and I have read the book several times. The story is one that I really enjoy, however the fashion at the time of making this movie is clearly 1986.