| 01 January 1988 (USA)
Iced Trailers

A group of childhood friends are invited to the opening of a posh ski resort, unaware that an old nemesis has murderous plans in mind for them.

Lawbolisted Powerful
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Michael O'Neil Brown I saw this at a screening at my local Alamo Drafthouse, billed as a "so bad it's good" 80s cheesefest, and it did not disappoint. Make no mistake about it, this is a TERRIBLE movie. But it's so ridiculous it'll leave you entertained as hell as long as you know what you're getting into. It's a gem.
Zbigniew_Krycsiwiki Shot-on-video horror has enough diffused lighting and nudity to almost qualify as porn, albeit bad porn. There's a skiing race, the winner gets the girl. Guy is killed in accident, lamely, considering this is a horror movie. Five years later, a reunion draws them to another ski resort. It's a weekend of alcohol and sex, and, eventually, killings, in retaliation for the skiing death half a decade earlier.Unique, potentially interesting setting amongst skiers at a ski resort in the middle of winter adds little to the proceedings, the film amounts to little more than boring deaths filmed through a pair of smashed orange ski goggles, simulating the distorted POV of the killer. What could have been the film's most memorable scene, the death-by-icicle, is quickly edited away from, to an ice pick chopping into ice in a wine bucket. Die Hard 2 had a similar scene, but handled it far more effectively. Instead of that, the film's most memorable scene is probably the moron flailing about like a lubed-up squid in the snow, ever so slowly trying to escape from the path of the slowest moving snowplow on earth. Its "guess the killer" ending is negated by the fact that they pin the killings on a barely mentioned, minor character in the final scenes, with a contrived link between the killer and his victims, as he was barely acquainted with the initial dead skier. The film ends in one of the dumbest, most inane freeze-frame endings I can recall. I enjoyed the winter setting, but that was about it.
Coventry Sigh … I suppose I'll never be able to claim that I've seen all 80's slashers ever made, because here's yet another one I never even heard or read about before today. Oh well, "Iced" certainly isn't a great loss and not at all worth tracking down unless you're an avid fan of the decade and/or the sub genre. The story takes place in a skiing resort – duh – where the usual crowd of teenage stereotypes gathered together for a holiday of fun, until of course a homicidal maniac decides to pick them off one by one. I wouldn't exactly call this original, but since most 80's slashers took place either on high school grounds or in sunny summer camps, I'll reward this movie with half a point extra for its setting. A couple years ago during a previous ski trip in the same resort, the popular girl of the bunch had to choose between two admirers. Her resolute choice for the hunky guy drove the loser to commit suicide and now it looks like he's back from the dead with a vengeance. I know, that's not very groundbreaking either. Like sadly too often the case in this sort of movies, the murders only begin to occur in the third act of the film. The first hour only features false scares, juvenile pranks, dull flashbacks and some welcome nudity. Lisa Loring plays one of the girls who gets topless quite frequently. I mainly know her as little Wednesday from the original "The Addams Family", so I hope it doesn't sound too perverted to mention her naked chest as one of the film's only highlights.
brandonsites1981 Group of college kids get together in a cabin for a vacation of drinking, sex, skiing, and more sex. And by the way, a masked killer is on the loose killing off all the kids and the killings seem connected to a fellow skiers death years earlier. Lots of sex and some nudity, but little else. Botched special effects, poor editing that takes away from the enjoyment of some the better scenes in the movie, and a lack of excitement ruin this slasher.Unrated; Frontal Nudity (male though), Strong Sexual Content, Graphic Violence, and Profanity.