I ♥ Huckabees
I ♥ Huckabees
R | 10 September 2004 (USA)
I ♥ Huckabees Trailers

A husband-and-wife team play detective, but not in the traditional sense. Instead, the happy duo helps others solve their existential issues, the kind that keep you up at night, wondering what it all means.

Softwing Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
JSchef92 This was the worst piece of crap that I have ever seen. It's not funny and it poses no philosophical thought worth having. It has no message, no answers, and stupid questions. Oh and again, it's not funny.Of course existentialism is stupid in itself really because it poses questions that have no answers and if followed could lead a man to complete insanity and the only people who really grapple with existential questions are extremely sad, lost, confused, and sometimes (dare I say it?) even pathetic people. This was actually explained briefly in this horrible piece of sh*t movie, where they connected his confusion and self-betrayal to the cat story.David O. Russel struck out on this one. He's made several good movies. This movies isn't one of them.I am very angry as I wasted my Thursday night on this f*cking piece of crap.F*ck you, David Russel.
chaos-rampant It is amazing how much storytelling noise we have in our heads ,just close your eyes and see how many useless thoughts you have in a minute. And it's amazing that films which are about this activity of the mind, and how it obscures the world, and creates illusory images, Buddhist- inspired films from The Matrix and Cloud Atlas, to Cosmopolis, to now this, are always so bent to talk and talk and clutter us more.So I was recently impressed by Silver Linings Playbook; eager for more, I asked around and was pointed to this as more intelligent, more personal work of this guy. It probably is both. So, you have a protagonist in existential crisis who is told about infinity and the inter-connectedness of being, taught the retreat to the cocoon of self where images come to being. And you have the effort to fathom this come alive in layers as broken narrative that we watch.It's essentially the same character splintered in three (Schwartzman, Wahlberg, Jude Law) so that each one runs into some conundrum that comprises part of a broader view. But it all come back to a self that clings to things and can't let go; in his poems that have to be on pamphlets and who gets to lead, in corporate success, in having to save the environment, and so forth. We are all egotistic in this way, clinging to the things we send out, wanting to be important.You have despair and disbelief at the happy spirituality of 'safe places', and the flipside in French deconstructionism, in seductively dark Isabelle Huppert and muddy, animal sex. The childhood trauma. And the middle path that reconciles purity with stained life. All that is fine. Some notion of this or other will be at the heart of most good films. Not to take anything from Russell, he has crafted something that is attractive on the surface, witty if not intelligent. And I appreciate the earnestness of putting it all out there as a search for meaning in modern life. But if your film is to have any actual power, you have to forget all you know as mere thought when you make it, forget the idea and embody the insight. Because none of it is really embodied here, and it gets progressively worse as it goes on until the cloying finale, which I also found in Playbook. Russell in other words explains how it's done, but can't do it in the film so we end up with schematic lessons on self-awareness robbed of their real power.You will know it is schematic, if you look at what is visualized of the protagonist's consciousness inside that consciousness, where images bubble up in the first place, when story-layers have been peeled and films are usually at their most pure. In that level of internal mind you have what? The schematic cartoon with the tree and floating heads. Constructed cuteness.
Cineman17 Like he did with The Fighter, David O. Russel brings true talent out of an amazing cast of actors. Jason Schwartzman played his part perfectly, as did Mark Wahlberg and Dustin Hoffman. Naomi Watts, Jude Law, Kevin Dunn, Lily Tomlin and Isabelle Huppart all play wonderful supporting parts. There is even a scene with Jonah Hill and Richard Jenkins that is absolutely hilarious. This movie seriously had me laughing out loud at some parts, but at other times, it becomes hard to follow and pretentious. The film touches on some aspects of philosophy, but never really dives deep into them. This gives the audience a chance to reflect on what is being said and try to make sense of what the characters are doing. It is a cool film, but nothing really great stands out about it. Overall I Heart Huckabees just manages to scratch surface of what could have been a truly great film, and instead ends up being just a pretty good film with some really really great parts.
Gloria Morrison (ChanandlerBongg) I can't imagine anyone finding this movie anything less than perfect all the way from the word "cocksucker" being repeated on and on to the business card saying "Cruelty, manipulation, meaninglessness". It was the most sublime combination of deep thought and ridiculous tall African guys.I have searched for a movie like this for the past two years and now I wish I could get up two hours earlier every day to see it again and again.I don't know if it's really that good or if it's just that I saw it ten minutes ago but I definitely recommend it to anyone who's finding it hard to get out of bed and even harder not to.