Figures in a Landscape
Figures in a Landscape
R | 18 July 1971 (USA)
Figures in a Landscape Trailers

Two escaped convicts are on the run in an unnamed Latin American country. But everywhere they go, they are followed and hounded by a menacing black helicopter.

AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Wizard-8 "Figures in a Landscape" was a major studio production, but it only got a limited and brief theatrical release stateside, and was pretty much forgotten until it was quietly released on DVD a couple of years ago. It doesn't take long to figure out why the people who held the rights to the movie had such little confidence in the movie finding an audience. I have no idea what the novel that inspired this movie is like, but in this movie, there is very little to make the 110 minute slog particularly compelling. It seems to have been designed to be relatable to any viewer from any country - the country the events of the movie take place in is anonymous, and we learn little about the backgrounds of the two protagonists. But with so little detail, there's little that makes us care about what's going on. As a result, the movie becomes quite boring and just seems to be spinning its wheels again and again. Not everything about the movie is below par, I admit. The photography is good, there are some very scenic locations, and the helicopter stunt work is exciting. But in the end, the movie can be compared to a prettily wrapped-up box that has nothing inside it when you open it.
mikey-242-435767 May contain spoilers. Read on at your own peril. But there seems to be little to spoil on this stinkburger! This film starts in the middle of some ongoing story. Apparently these people were in jail for some reason we don't know and got out of jail by some method we don't know. And then a goat herder is killed. Why? He was there.That's the perfect start to a "Modern" film. We start with nothing, are told damn little about what's going or motivation of characters or any backstory and have to figure out what went before and what is going on and why, while trying to relax and enjoy a movie. That's a lot of work! If I wanted to work, I would go to work! Who are they? Why is this happening? Where are they? Don't know. Let's hope somehow, we will find out or this will be a waste of time. 16 minutes in and... their hands are still tied and the helicopter is trying to give them haircuts. Why don't they just land? Who is in the helicopter? Why are they doing this harassment of these two people? What's this movie about? No clue yet. Stay tuned. Maybe we will find out.... Maybe.... It seems they are tied with cloth or rope why don't these two back up together and untie each other? I am thinking I am wasting my time watching this. If anything happens, I will let you know. But don't wait if you have some paint to watch drying! 30 minutes in and the plot is really taking off. They found a knife to get their hands free. That's it for now. Still waiting for something to happen...Now that their hands are free, they did what they apparently know best. Robbery. And they were seen. Not very good robbers for sure.Well, they managed to open a can (tin) and ate something and both of them shaved. Riveting stuff!! Oh, the mastery of the medium by writer and director. IS MISSING HERE? 45 minutes in and... The dizzying speed of the plot has made me hungry. I am going to eat. If anything else happens in this movie, call me. I will have my phone with me, just in case...(That sound you just heard was me pressing STOP on the player)
rachaeljanerobinson I quite like this film but I think other reviewers may have missed the point. There's no need for us to know where this is set as it could in fact, be anywhere and it need not even be in this reality.We're looking at the volatile interaction of three main characters two of whom seem to be two sides of the same person - Mac a probable psychopath with utterly twisted morals, the seemingly weak but rational and sympathetic Ansell and the catalytic helicopter.The star of this show is undoubtedly the black helicopter endlessly and seemingly mindlessly track or perhaps even herd the protagonists into an area where they can be captured or killed.The chopper is like a cat, playing with a mouse (life) without actually killing its victim. The gunman on the chopper is seen smirking as the helicopter threatens Ansell on the mountainside. The helicopter could in fact be death or something else like the balancing agent between rational and irrational thoughts.I don't think this film gets the exposure it deserves. It's definitely worth a look.
cultfilmfreaksdotcom In a brief encounter with Malcolm McDowell, upon the mention of this particular 1970 film he rolled his eyes in amazement (that such an obscure cinematic curio would be remembered?) and spoke bluntly of his working stint with Robert Shaw – how it was a grueling four month shoot since the very unpredictable actor had a penchant for the bottle… Then McDowell finished with: "But I loved him." Well this sort of love/hate relationship exists between Shaw's coldblooded, experienced MacConnachie and McDowell's naïve yet wily young Ansell… two escaped convicts on the run in an unnamed country. The first thirty minutes have both characters with hands tied behind their backs as they trudge up and down craggy mountainsides like desperate billygoats while a helicopter (described by MacConnachie as "the black skeleton") soars above: playing a hectic game of cat and mice.Whether hiding behind rocks, entering stealthy into villages, tramping through soldier-saturated paddies or shooting up military compounds, the two "figures" always return to their match against the antagonist copter – more of a meddling crow than bird of prey.The Arial shots are as gorgeous as the picturesque landscape; the edgy violin score is reminiscent of future suspense films THE FRENCH CONNECTION or THE EXORCIST; and the performances by both (now iconic) cult favorites are topnotch: Shaw with a cunning edge while McDowell slowly loses his sanity.The actors really shine during sporadic pockets of downtime: The veteran either goading the youngster into becoming more vicious or sharing sullen memories of his dead wife. All timed neatly with the intense action sequences: built around a taut climate of primal perseverance by two men who've become human animals to survive against a metallic one.For More Reviews: