I Saw the Devil
I Saw the Devil
R | 12 August 2010 (USA)
I Saw the Devil Trailers

Kyung-chul is a dangerous psychopath who kills for pleasure. Soo-hyeon, a top-secret agent, decides to track down the murderer himself. He promises himself that he will do everything in his power to take vengeance against the killer, even if it means that he must become a monster himself.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
foutainoflife I loved this movie! I know this came out in 2010 but I'm just now watching it and I can say that this was one of the most awesome thrillers I've seen. I rank it right up there with Seven. I've seen where some folks have said that OldBoy (2003) is the better than this but I think this surpasses OldBoy. One of the best things about this is how you are easily lead into feeling for these characters. That has to be established, in my opinion, if you are going to have a real thriller experience. The acting was great. The speed was great and the story kept you interested. My only drawbacks were that we didn't get to hear a bit more about our killer and a few flashbacks scenes from the couple's life would have been a great addition towards showing the viewer just how wonderful the relationship had been. You clearly feel the love this man had for his fiance but she just got so little screen time that I would've like to have seen her character with a bit more depth.Some of the negative reviews have complained about the brutality towards women and the gore of that and it makes me wonder why they chose to watch it. It's one of those things like "if you don't like the heat, stay out of the kitchen." I can appreciate the realism portrayed here. This stuff really happens and the hurt, anger and desire for revenge is something everyone can understand. I loved it. Can't wait to watch it again.
MJB784 It started out really good with suspense and scares, then it was getting repetitive and boring. The officer just kept torturing the killer and letting him go. There was no reason why either the murderer was killing these women or why the hero was a murderer later on. It does have some cool action scenes, but goes on too long and goes in circles. We don't know the motive of the characters very well.
daniel hauptmann I absolutely don't understand both the IMDb score and those reviews here. How can somebody find this film good is beyond me. I must admit the beginning looked fairly ok, punishing sins of the murderer could have led to interesting situations and psychology, but the whole point was destroyed by every of the characters acting unbelievably stupid and/or reckless and by ignoring basic rules of what is and isn't possible.The murderer is outright invincible, he has broken wrist and cut off achilles tendon and yet nobody can resist him. He wouldn't cease killing everybody in range although this must have brought unwanted heat on him. The special agent doesn't care about casualities although he tortures the murderer in the name of his wife (or fianceé?), which is totally inconsistent and makes no sense. The police is totally inept and don't get me started on the victims behavior.After killing the first "release" the whole plot became ridiculous and messy, the violence pointless and as the motivations and deeds of the characters were revealed as fantastic, stupid and inconsistent, I stopped caring about the movie completely and was just waiting for the end, which came way slower than I hoped for. All in all, huge dissapointment.
Robert J. Maxwell A beautiful, young Korean woman has car trouble on a deserted road at night. A car stops, the driver offers to help then breaks through the window, bludgeons her with a hammer, takes her to his filthy room, tortures her. "I'm pregnant. Please don't kill me." she manages to gasp. The middle-aged maniac looks puzzled for a second, then asks, "Why not?" The police find her dismembered body in a creek. Her husband is a detective on the police force and gets two weeks leave, during which he captures the killer two or three time, beats him half to death, severs his Achilles tendon, and commits other unpleasantries.So far, in abstract, so lousy. I dislike slasher movies generally, especially those that are handled as if murder were a joke, and I hate the emerging genre of torture porn. It wasn't THAT long ago that "Dirty Harry" shot a suspect in the leg in the middle of Kezar Stadium and then stepped on the wound in order to squeeze out the location of a young girl the suspect had buried alive. That was nothing compared to this.Yet, dare I say it? Despite the bathtubs of blood, the screams of horror, the terrible poundings, this is pretty deftly done. It avoids the usual clichés of horror and suspense. When a glass crashes and there is a loud sting on the sound track and it's just the cat, or when a hand reaches out for someone's shoulder and she jumps in fright and there is a WHAM on the sound track, or when a helpless woman takes a flashlight and investigates some curious noises in a dark and dangerous place -- well, none of that is to be found in "I've Seen the Devil." Nor does this young, handsome Korean Dirty Harry (Byung-hun Lee) come away from his plan with any taste of victory. His extra-legal pursuit and torture of the maniac has led to the murder of his wife's family. He'll be fired, taken to court, and he's accomplished nothing that could not have been accomplished with much less bloodshed and tears. Aside from the initial discovery of his wife's body, the only time he shows any emotion is in the last shot when, standing alone in the middle of a road, he breaks into searing and cathartic sobs.I think I'll give this one a pass, even though I loathe seeing people suffer. It's well acted, for one thing. The serial murder (Min-sik Choy) has the juiciest part and handles it with some originality. With the exception of one or two scenes, the hero is wooden in comparison. It's also neatly directed -- nothing fancy, just some scenes that make you realize the director knows what he's about.