I Am Ali
I Am Ali
PG | 10 October 2014 (USA)
I Am Ali Trailers

Unprecedented access to Muhammad Ali's personal archive of "audio journals" as well as interviews and testimonials from his inner circle of family and friends are used to tell the legend's life story.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Prismark10 Muhammed Ali is still a divisive figure in the USA. Lot less so in other parts of the world. In 1999 he was voted the greatest sportsman of the 20th Century by a BBC sports review programme. Ali got more votes than the rest of the top 10 sports personalities combined.We now live in a day when sportsmen thank their business managers, accountants and stand up for something only when it has been first approved by their publicist.It were different days back then and Ali divided America and rest of the world by changing his name, religion and refusing to be drafted into the US army and go fight in Vietnam.There is nothing new here but it is a good documentary if you know little of Ali and wanted to understand and know more of the man.Ali does not appear apart from old film footage. However there is an emphasis on his personal and family life by way of various audio recordings he made which he gave to one of his daughter's which is new. You also get to see the usual stuff like his exploits in the ring, his politics, religious conversion etc.The film does show us a little of this complex even contradictory man. Veronica Porsche confirms that she was seeing Ali while he was still married. He had children from many women but wanted his kids to know each other and seems to have maintained good relationships with his ex wives.There is good use of soul music, it is good to hear from members of his family, past and present as well as other celebrities. It is not ground breaking but a good introduction of Ali.
MrAkimbo Where do you begin assessing such an individuals inspirational story?Browse any bookshops, any DVD store and the titles devoted to Ali stretch and stretch. There will be always be people who will disaffect themselves from his achievements. They will point to his infidelity. How a man who converted to the Islamic faith was also a skirt chasing womaniser. Granted, the negatives will say his boxing genius is undeniable, but they will cancel any semblance of his skills by attributing and highlighting his less than perfect outside boxing antics and rank him undeserving of the majority who consider him an amazing person.I'm a fan of boxing. I enjoyed the unseen footage we have here. Clips, family interviews, and other footage has been assembled to show a personal side of Ali - in particular reference to his family life - a major highlight are the archived audio recordings between Ali and his young children.Ali was a victim of circumstance. He came along in the glitz and revolution of the 60's, and took the boxing world by storm. There have been other colourful characters in boxing history - Ali though was wildly different. A firework personality whilst his peers stuck to the persona of being a boxer and nothing else. When the events unfolded (his Vietnam draft) he stood firm to his beliefs and with an unbreakable confidence eventually, aided by the sea-change of thought against the Vietnam War, overcame the situation. It was the 60's a time of cultural and irrevocable change.Love him? Loathe him?He never withered in the face of extreme criticism. I admire him for that. From the beginning he set out to conquer the boxing world - the adoration, the mythic status afforded to him, unexplainable, but who hasn't met somebody in their lifetime who commands a special kind of attraction by virtue of their charisma.If you're a fan of pugilism,, then watch this, as it demonstrates why Ali was a grade 11 in athletic prowess when most champions were blessed to reach a grade 8, 9, if they were considered exceptional. All stars shine in the universe, Ali was the universe when it came to boxing.A movie buff will appreciate this film. It is a well made documentary. At times very moving, funny, and always informative with the rare unseen footage moments.'Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them', Shakespeare said.Ali has led an extraordinary life. In fact many might say he is has achieved all three of what the bard wrote about 'greatness'.
WallyDee First of all if you decide to watch this documentary, don't expect to see lots of action and/or lots of footage from the dozens of fights from the legend known as ''Muhammed Ali''That being said, what can you expect? Well......lots of dialog about the former heavyweight champion, coming from a lot of people who were either very close to him or had a lot of influence on him, his life or his career for example from his ex wife, his children and even his former boxing rival ''George Forman''. There were samples from audio tapes which he himself recorded from telephone conversations he had with his at the time young daughters scattered all over this documentary. There were moments when the documentary was on the edge of losing its momentum, but fortunately every time that started to happen it immediately picked up its speed again by showing us an old clip from an interview with the fighter which were easily the best parts in the documentary. Simply because of the overly charismatic manner and cockiness in which he presents himself as he is OBVIOUSLY known for. They do address a couple of fights from his career that had a huge influence on the boxing history.With those things in mind its easy to say that you can prepare yourself for a very personal and intimate experience about the boxer's life. Everything this documentary is trying to accomplish it succeeds in every way if you ask me. Its quite admirable to see and learn about all the people this man has inspired and still continues to inspire to this day in his life and how much love this man has for life itself.
zwz-145-250285 Although the movie doesn't focus on it, it becomes clear that Muhammed Ali was just another promiscuous hypocrite who did not practice in his personal conduct the beliefs he preached. It is also clear that he was one of the founders of the trend of self-aggrandizement that make up most rap lyrics today. It seems he doesn't understand the difference between confidence and boasting. He doesn't strike me as a great man merely a man playing the field behind his wives backs and talking himself up all the time. I feel sorry for anyone who looks up to such a man and seeks to emulate his behavior- vanity and adultery are not worthy of being imitated.
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