Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking
| 24 October 2005 (USA)
Human Trafficking Trailers

When a sixteen-year-old girl from the Ukraine, a single mother from Russia, an orphaned seventeen-year-old girl from Romania, and a twelve-year-old American tourist become the victims of international sex slave traffickers, a specialized team of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) struggles to expose the worldwide network that has enslaved them.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
ant321ares HEY ALICEBOY FROM Sweden!!!! You slated this movie because of it;s acting and script.. I want to tell you that you're a waste of a human for being such an idiot!! THIS MOVIE IS ABOUT RAISING AWARENESS!!!!! AND YES - IT IS HAPPENING in Sweden too!!! So Get off your ignorant ass and do something instead of just slating something.This movie, much like Taken, gripped at the very Heart of me! That people can be so heartless and cold to take someone's dignity and life, is so evil and unthinkable. Who the HELL do they think they are??? THE WORLD MUST do something about this! God help the man I find trafficking kids and people because they will suffer beyond measure!Here's a message to human trafficking scum out there: Would you sell your own child or mother to be raped every day so you could get rich? CAN YOU REALLY LIVE WITH YOURSELF???????? SCUM! God is watching you, and YOU WILL DIE one day, and there will be NO MERCY for you unless you STOP your EVIL acts, and start paying YOUR Debt by rescuing and mending that which you have done!!!!!
Robert W. I have always known in the back of my mind, the issue of Human Trafficking especially from news stories about girls disappearing in the Caribbean but it wasn't until I saw this movie recently that it simply blew my mind and awoke me to something completely different. This film is made for entertainment purposes but also done in such a way that you will forever be mindful of the issue that they are putting forth in this movie. The film is disturbing and lengthy in details without being too gratuitous with the content keeping it clean enough to not capitalize on the crime but vivid enough to bring home the point in a jolting manner. The story focuses on two victims in particular but also all the other victims around them and the people who perpetrate this crime. It also focuses very much on the North America side of this trade and how close to home it can be. While the film isn't perfect and has moments you just can't believe would be the way things would happen, for the most part its one of the smartest and moving films I have seen in a long time. It will keep you on the edge of your seat.Oscar winner Mira Sorvino headlines the cast as a Government agent who becomes obsessed with the cases revolving around human trafficking. Sorvino is kind of a low point in the cast. Sometimes she does alright and other times she seems almost campy in her performance and this film is far too serious for that to happen. She looks lovely and very young in this film but doesn't give the best performance. Emmy nominated for his role in this film Donald Sutherland is the class of the cast. I honestly didn't think he showed anything truly outstanding but he does a decent job and definitely improves the cast just by being part of it. He also seems to get the most out of Sorvino's performance. Also nominated for an Emmy for this film is Robert Carlyle who plays viscous head of the trafficking crew Sergei Karpovich. Carlyle is one of the truly brilliant performances. I've seen him in roles that are the complete opposite of this and he really does scare you to the very core. He is sleazy and despicable and perfect for the villain role. Laurence Leboeuf is excellent in her disturbing role as the kidnapped and violated Nadia Tagarov who becomes something of a mother figure to the other kidnapped girls. Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse is the young American girl caught in all this. For a young actress she does a truly amazing job of showing strength and a tiny ray of hope in this horrible circumstance. Rémy Girard is Nadia's father who goes to no end to under cover and find his daughter and bring her home. He is more subtle in his performance and not quite as stand out as the girls but still a great character and a hero.Canadian director Christian Duguay had a huge project on his hands here. He had to rely on creating something watchable, entertaining but not disgusting or offensive and still get his powerful message home and he does exactly that on a TV Mini-Series budget. There are still plenty of really disturbing things happening but done in a tasteful way if that is possible. Regardless of how they did it the film makes an impact by creating those characters both bad and good that you won't soon forget and it honestly changed my life. Now I feel as though I want to involve myself in this cause and I think its something pretty spectacular when a film can make you feel that way. I encourage anyone to see this film, because it has a powerful message with some really terrific performances. 9/10
Maya Thank you for your comments. I feel exactly the same. I have watched this movie last nite. It took me few ours as I needed to stop few times. I ended up at this website because I needed to see the actress as not real characters. I been raped my self and I feel like it was nothing compare to it. The movie shows how hard is to get this bustards because the people whom are into power are mostly males and they don't care as long there is no murder or big money involved. Don't get me wrong that I am trying to criticize guys, I have a great boyfriend my self however it feels like they don't find is as terrible. I got on the train today morning and I could see a number of potential child molesters, I swear and I know that nothing will ever happen to most of them. I don't know how to explain to myself that it was a movie and the real world is not that bad
ablefox5 Well-acted and exciting, but not a true picture of the sex trade in America. At one point, our intrepid heroine is desperately searching for the secret location of a brothel in Boston where young European girls are held against their will. However, hundreds of horny men with minimal investigative skills are somehow able to find this hidden torture chamber. A secret brothel is practically impossible. For example, you can locate European Delite escort service in Boston by Googling "Boston European escorts." This film purports to be a true-to-life expose, but its cartoonish depiction of human trafficking does not come to grips with how such horrible degradation and exploitation of women actually happens and it does happen. Brothels like the one depicted cannot exist without a level of police indifference or corruption that simply does not exist in America, imperfect as American law enforcement is. Americans and the American government are not without sin in the global sex trade, but we need another movie to tell that story.