Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking
| 24 October 2005 (USA)
Human Trafficking Trailers

When a sixteen-year-old girl from the Ukraine, a single mother from Russia, an orphaned seventeen-year-old girl from Romania, and a twelve-year-old American tourist become the victims of international sex slave traffickers, a specialized team of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) struggles to expose the worldwide network that has enslaved them.

Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Payno I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
babes_teng This movie should be watched by teenagers nowadays for they are the most vulnerable to this kind of deception. I watched this TV movie over and over but it never ceased to touch me from my very core. Nobody deserves to be subjected to this kind of torture and life shattering situation. I voted 8 because this TV movie has social relevance. Whatever happens to these victims (in real life), I hope that they weather the storm and stand up where they have fallen.I cannot begin to imagine what the Filipino parent did, selling his child? What kind of person can do that? But it happens not only in the Philippines but other 3rd world country, I suppose.This TV movie is a must see.
peterlonglongplong I can't believe how Hollywood treats this very serious issue. There are victims all over this planet of sex slavery, but this movie shows one of the worst forms of it and does not even closely resemble the true ways that victims are handled. If women are beaten so ruthlessly by most of the traffickers in this world, dead traffickers would be a much more common fact. It would also include a lot of dead politicians, since, without some of them being required to turn their heads, many brothels would be closed down. The vice squads in cities know about most of the brothels that open up and move quickly to different locations. Why don't they close in on them? It wouldn't take much effort to get search warrants quickly on most locations once they know about it. Countless massage parlors have illegal aliens working in them who are doing tricks. Some are underage, but I think that's more propaganda than reality. If that were true, there should be public trials and we should bring back the guillotine. Traffickers are amongst the lowest forms of life on this planet and those convicted of it should get life sentences without the possibility of parole. There should be more factual documentaries on TV about sex trafficking and regular citizens should be given more information on how to identify and how to report on indicators of likely trafficking. This movie touches on something that anyone with an ounce of morality would be appalled by. If our Gov. can bail out banks with trillions of our tax payer dollars, why can't they crack down on traffickers a lot more? Makes me wonder about following the dollars and who might be involved in these crimes against humanity that happen daily. I think the fortune 500 and Washington have about as much morals as dry deserts have water. And, mass marketing television has only as much concern for the general condition of the Human Race as that which will provide entertainment at top commercial rate-card numbers. Hollywood has NO MORALS AT ALL! Money and glamor -- Hate the poor people! Distrust those who say they want less poverty, a better environment, a more accountable government! LOVE, BELIEVE IN, WORSHIP THE RICHEST OF THE RICH PEOPLE! Be willing to give all to and to die for the rich people! That's our entertainment world...
Claudio Carvalho In Prague, Czech Republic, the single mother Helena (Isabelle Blais) is seduced by a successful handsome man and travels with him to spend a weekend in Vienna, Austria; in Kiev, Ukraine, the sixteen-year-old Nadia (Laurence Leboeuf) is selected by a model agency and travels to the United States with the other selected candidates; in Manila, Philippines, the twelve-year-old American tourist Annie Gray (Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse) is abducted in front of her parents. In common, the girls become victims of a powerful international network of sex traffickers leaded by the powerful Sergei Karpovich (Robert Carlyle). In New York, after the third death of young Eastern European prostitutes, the obstinate Russian-American NYPD agent Kate Morozov (Mira Sorvino) convinces the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Chief Bill Meehan (Donald Sutherland) to hire her, promising him that she would fight against this type of crime and that he would not regret."Human Trafficking" is the third great movie that I have watched about this sad reality. "Lilja 4-ever" and "Anjos do Sol" are extremely pessimist and realistic, but focused in the life of only one character. "Human Trafficking" gives a big picture how these gangs operate, following the drama of three lead characters. Mira Sorvino is wonderful, as usual, and her final speech about this profitable slavery of the Twentieth-First Century and the sexual tourism is very realistic and touching. The direction is excellent, the screenplay is very well written and the whole cast deserves to be congratulated for their magnificent performances. My vote is nine.Title (Brazil): "Tráfico Humano" ("Human Traficking")
losachi This movie has left me shaken and sad - but most importantly, it left me more aware and more inclined to take action in the fight to end human trafficking. I think everyone should see it. As a woman, watching this movie was especially horrifying and makes me sick to fathom that right now, another woman is being raped, abused, humiliated in one of these trafficking brothels. I don't think I could survive what these women experience. I see a lot posts on this thread about how "every woman" and "every teenage girl" needs to watch this about every man? In the film, whenever I saw a scene with a "client," I thought, "Doesn't this man know he's raping this woman? Does he know she's a slave? Does he care? Who are all these 'clients' anyway?" It's sickening. The good men out there need to see this film to be aware of what women and children face in the world. As for men like those in this film, well, they need to see this to know the world is waking up and won't put up with this forever.