How to Make a Monster
How to Make a Monster
R | 14 October 2001 (USA)
How to Make a Monster Trailers

Video game developer Clayton Software enlists the talents of a misfit group of programmers to develop the scariest computer combat game: EVILUTION. With four weeks to bring the game to market and a million-dollar bonus on the line, they utilize a telemetry suit to render a 3-D version of the onscreen player. But when a power surge gives the hard drive a mind of its own, the suit comes to life to play the game for real and the programming team find themselves in the middle of a chilling virtual nightmare beyond their wildest imagination.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
nightbreed303 If you're a geek, you'll be laughing your batman socks off watching this. It's great to watch for the old skool gear (green screen palm pilot anyone?)and horror genre references (thumbs up for the 'tales from the crypt' pinball machine). Much of the dialog involves faux techie jargon - guaranteed hilarity for the most part. For instance;the intern character trying to impress her boss by asking how she can compress 9 gig of video data. I can only guess that she had a bootleg copy of LoTR she wanted to upload.The plot premise is a delightful hotch-potch of elements from 'Tron', 'Weird Science', 'Hardware', 'Lawnmower Man' and references various other sci-fi films such as 'Wargames' ('It's learning all my moves').Probably one of the worst films ever made, but that's if you expect a serious sci-fi film. If you're bored of on-line hack 'n' slash for the night and want a film that's unintentionally hilarious to wind down with, this is one.
disdressed12 this movie didn't really do it for me.i didn't find it very exciting,nor very gory.the killer,in my mind is not that original.there is some gratuitous nudity in 1 scene,but for me,that isn't enough reason to like the movie.the ending kinda surprised me,although it probably shouldn't have.most people who watch this movie will probably figure out the ending long before.if you're into hi tech things,like programing video games,and if you like playing interactive games,with blood and guts,you might like this movie.there is some gore alright,but it's computer gore,which doesn't do it for me.i thought the movie was watchable,but average.i won't give the plot,because i already sort of hinted at's not really original,but that doesn't really me,it's what's done with the material that's important.anyway,some people will love this game and others will hate it.some people like me,will be somewhere in the middle.i didn't love it or hate it.i just found it average.but that's just me.for me,"How to Make a Monster" is 5/10
Theo Robertson I caught this on channel 4 very late , or very early considering how you think of 2.40 am and discovered that it was another Creature Feature movie production . I knew what to expect - Slightly corny and old fashioned B movie values but one that at the very least would be watchable , and I did enjoy the previous effort SHE CREATURE . After the credits rolled I did feel disappointed . HOW TO MAKE A MONSTER while not being a bad horror movie made for television it remains a ratherflawed one The story suffers from a lack of originality and stereotypical characters . A trio of software designers are told there's a million dollars reward if they come up with the ultimate computer game . The trio are a funky black dude , an uber-geek and a sociopath . Since there's a danger of industrial espionage there's special security measures that causes a lock down on the software laboratories . Doesn't this sound contrived ? And I think you know where this is heading . So the trio , an intern and a company director find them selves trapped in a building in a plot that isn't a million miles removed from ALIEN , HARDWARE or THE LAWNMOWER MAN . Unforgivably it becomes very obvious early on who's going to die and who's going to survive meaning there's no surprises for the audience Like most of the other movies by this company there is a comic book charm to the proceedings in that the gore doesn't overwhelm the story , I notice that several people have complained about the laughable make up and effects but surely this is done on purpose by the makers ? Despite having a TVM budget it's relatively well made , but would have been better if the script wasn't so predictable . As it stands if you're going to watch only one Creature Feature watch SHE CREATURE
jennyann1975 I am a huge fan of B movies but this was absolutely terrible. I only rented it because I think Clea Duvall is a great actress. I think the movie is trying to make a point but the only one I got was that you need to be utterly ruthless to make it in the gaming world!?! ***SPOILER ALERT*** Basic plot is three game programmers, a manager, and an intern are locked in an office building with some electronic suit that comes to life because of electricity. It proceeds to kill everyone but the intern who all of a sudden develops sword fighting skills and kills the monster. Clea Duvall is the intern who starts out as a nice girl with an abusive boyfriend. But for some odd reason she turns into a money hungry software company boss. I think there is a plot somewhere but I got distracted by a wrestler trying to act like a computer geek. Anyway, the movie is a complete waste of time and even Clea Duvall's great acting can't save the movie. Oh and someone needs to tell Julie Strain she doesn't look good topless anymore.