House on the Edge of the Park
House on the Edge of the Park
NR | 21 September 1984 (USA)
House on the Edge of the Park Trailers

When two low-lives gate crash a party, and are mocked by the posh hosts, they decide to get their revenge by subjecting the guests to various forms of torture and violence.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
kapelusznik18 ****SPOILERS**** Brutal and sadistic movie about these two New York City parking garage workers Alex & Ricky who invite themselves to this party in the wilds of New Jersey and end up terrorizing the persons there. There's a big surprise at the end of the movie that explains why the two low live creeps were so tolerated by those at the party that almost had them all murdered by Alex & friend. And not only that the reason was in plain sight to those of us watching the film without realizing it until the trap was sprung on them with gut crunching and mind boggling results.The movie plays a lot like if not an actual sequel to the movie where David Hess, who played the vicious and mentally impaired Alex, also starred in as a deranged psycho killer eight years earlier called "Last House on the Left". Here the story follows the same script with "Last House on the Left" of what crimes Alex did that ends up catching up with him. The film goes from the big city of New York to suburban New Jersey as were exposed to a number of crimes that bring everyone, victim and victimizers, together in this upscale house in the middle of nowhere where most of the action in the movie plays itself out.****SPOILERS****At first both Alex and his wimpy partner in crime, he faints at the very sight of blood, Ricky have it all their way brutalizing and raping their helpless victims. There's an added attraction or victim to the two psycho's menu when teenager Cindy unexpectedly shows up at the house. Kidnapped and humiliated by a gleeful Alex he later has the frightened girl strip and instead of raping her slices her up with his straight edge razor, the only weapon he used in the movie, like he was playing a game of tic tact tow on her body! It was what seemed like the most brutalized and helpless of the men held hostage Tom that in the end turned the tables on the two hoods. And with the help of everyone whom they tortured and sexually abused he did a number on them that they, while still alive and breathing, will never ever forget!
Shaza123 I finally got round to watching this one today. It's a shame it took me so long to see it, but I'm so glad I finally did. It was fantastic. The film opens up with Alex, played by David Hess, who rapes a poor woman in her car before the opening credits even begin. Yep, it's THAT kinda movie. Later, Alex and his friend attend a party where rich snobs try to scam them out of their money. Alex catches on pretty quick and things turn ugly when they start terrorising the part guests. The reason why this movie is so awesome is because of David Hess' performance. Even though he plays a sleazy rapist, he is still more likable then the party guests! One particular guest, the dude with the long blonde hair, had this annoying, smug smirk on his face for the majority of the movie. I was secretly happy when Krug, pardon me I mean Alex, beat the crap out of him. Hess' enthusiasm and commitment to the role was outstanding! He made this movie. My favourite shot, was the epic (and I mean EPIC) slow mo shot of him yelling at the end. Utter brilliance! This movie just oozes with sleaze. Never mind romantic music during rape scenes, or lingering shots of boobs, or female characters beginning to consent to invasions of their body. Director Ruggero Deodato gets away with all of that, probably because the characters are that unlikable (with the exception of Cindy, I really liked her and felt very disturbed when she was being sliced up). It seems Deodato doesn't mind who he offends, but since this movie is pretty damn entertaining, he pulls it off nicely. I'm glad I finally got round to seeing this one. Hess was so brilliant in it. A shame he has passed away, he was such a cult icon for the video nasty genre. For those interested in these exploitation flicks, I highly recommend this one. It was loads of fun. 8/10
preppy-3 Two psychos (Alex and Ricky) invade a get-together of rich people. They take over and proceed to humiliate, rape and torture the guests.Sick and vicious. Why people say this is a horror classic is beyond me. For starters ALL the acting is bad but the worst is from David Hess playing Alex. His dialogue is terrible and he over over OVERacts constantly. He gets annoying real quick. The script is pathetic--full of very stupid people who do dumb things left and right. At multiple times during the film they could have escaped to get help but never do. There is graphic female nudity. It's in your face and has no point other than to turn on guys in the audience. The violence is pretty graphic but (to me) was obviously fake. Surprisingly when it wasn't sick or degrading it was boring! There is a (stupid) twist at the end that didn't help matters. Unless you're turned on by seeing nude women being raped or tortured this movie isn't for you. Just terrible.
AngryChair Perhaps one of the most infamous violence-exploitation films ever made, and for good reason!Slick rapist and his simple-minded buddy get invited to a snobbish get-together, where they quickly take over the house.Disturbingly dark, oddly erotic, and subtly directed, Deodato's House on the Edge of the Park is an unforgettable tale of lust and violence. While the violence of this film is extreme, Deodato is careful not to let any of the characters become uninteresting. Even as the story is a somewhat convoluted, the occurrences on screen between the villains and their victims keep the audience well on edge. Also of note is the haunting music of Riz Ortolani, the song 'Do It To Me Once More' being especially appropriate for the film.The cast is fairly good, the best is undoubtedly David Hess. Hess is no stranger to playing sleazy B villains, as he brings such fierceness to every character.If you're seeking a sleazy exploitation film, or just a strong guilty pleasure, House on the Edge of the Park may just work! Definitely not for all (or even most) tastes. ** 1/2 out of ****