House of Mystery
House of Mystery
| 30 March 1934 (USA)
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Out of the Mystic Temples of Old India crept this terrible Monster to wreak vengeance of the Hindu Gods. One by one its victims fell with not a trace of the bloody assassin.

Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Steineded How sad is this?
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
trimbolicelia Fair, for its time, early 30's creaky murder mystery. While in India an extremely obnoxious archaeologist disrespects the local people and customs, insults and offends resident Europeans, and to cap off his stay, with the help of a belly dancer steals a temple treasure and kills the guardian gorilla. A gorilla in India? The Hindu priest lays a whammy on the thief which follows him for twenty years. Has the requisite spooky house with hidden passageways, potential heirs (and murder fodder), and bumbling detectives. The film is only about 62 minutes long and has no background music to liven things up. The Alpha Video DVD is not bad quality but needs re-mastering. Being an obscure B-grade film, will probably not get it anytime soon. Recommended for fans of the genre.
Leofwine_draca HOUSE OF MYSTERY is one of a ton of 'old dark house' movies to be made during the 1930s, following the success of some popular Universal movies made at the outset of the decade. These typically feature an assembled group of people who visit a spooky, sprawling old mansion on a stormy night, only to find themselves assailed by perils either supernatural or man-made.This film's set-up is pretty bizarre and throws in Egyptian mumbo-jumbo and even an Indian devil worship cult. Once the action moves to the titular location it's quite the laugh, with a fast running time and plenty of inane action involving a killer ape roaming around and strangling people. The cast members are undistinguished but the dialogue is ladled on thick and fast and there's so much incident that you don't have time to realise how little sense it all really makes.
Michael_Elliott House of Mystery (1934) ** 1/2 (out of 4) An adventurer kills a sacred monkey and soon a curse is put on him. He returns to America and his share holders want their money but before he returns it they must stay a week in his mansion where all sorts of strange things are going on. This is yet another "old dark house" film with another mystery and another deadly gorilla. As I've said countless times before, I'm really not sure why everyone of these films had to have a gorilla in it but I guess people in the 30s were terrified of them. The cast of characters are pretty varied and fun including a nerdy professor and his pushy wife. There's some light comedy thrown in that works as well but the film mainly tries to work its mystery and it does so to a nice effect. I think the screenplay is rather good and I enjoyed how they added in the curse of the monkey. The gorilla outfit doesn't look too bad but then again I might be saying this because I've seen some really bad ones out there. Clay Clement does a very good job in the lead and the supporting cast is fine.
dbborroughs Years ago fortune hunter ran a foul of an Indian cult. Now years later he calls together the backers of his trip to try and make amends and to make right what happened.Or so he says.Actually there's more going on here than meets the eye, not to mention a potentially murderous gorilla.This is a very good, completely unremarkable and completely forgettable movie that is probably destined to end up lost in your memory. I know I have a hell of a hard time remembering which movie this is every time I run across it in my movie collection. I have to put it on to see what it is and more times than not I'll leave it on. Its not one that I actively search out to watch, even though I've seen it numerous times.Should you get the chance, you might want to give it a try, just don't expect to remember it in the morning.
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