House of Frankenstein
House of Frankenstein
| 02 November 1997 (USA)
House of Frankenstein Trailers

Detective Coyle is trying to solve several bizarre murders and is having no luck finding a suspect. But when his girlfriend turns into a werewolf and gets kidnapped by a vampire, things start to fall into place.

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
supermaggie I do not shy away from fierce vampires like the ones in 30 days of night etc., but for a change it is nice to have some harmless fun with the classic monsters, so I enjoyed the movie a lot. It ain't too often that movies combine two or even three monster types (rather common nowadays in TV shows), and since I like them all, I do -once in a while- enjoy such gatherings. As Salinger wrote in The catcher in the rye: there is a time and a place for everything, so instead of bashing the fun young girls (and others) have when watching Twilight, people should be more tolerant for such HARMLESS fun, nobody is being harmed when people enjoy harmless monsters, it does not have to be the most perverse torture and blood spilling all the time. There is enough torture porn out there and these movies are quite high up in the blockbuster charts as well, so you Eli Roth-/...-fans go watch these and have young girls and other people enjoy the other kind of "scary" fun. Back to this movie: I wrote such a long intro because I think that this movie has a lot of good stuff (good actors, the obligatory police action, satisfying monster make-up/FX) so I cannot imagine why all the negative reviews, I can only imagine it is too harmless for the bashers, but they can choose other stuff instead. There is a time and movie for everybody. Go and enjoy.
CountVladDracula I would like to recommend one of the worst TV mini-series ever made. It's not boring but it's very bad and easy to heckle. This may well be the Plan 9 From Outer Space of TV mini-series. It aired on NBC in 1997. It's called House of Frankenstein (not to be confused with the black and white movie of the same name). Sometimes titled House of Frankenstein '97.There's a cliché detective named Coyle, a spunky female reporter (who gets turned into a werewolf and later cured by the stupidest method possible). And there's the most incompetent vampire / Dracula knock-off ever, a vampire named Crispin Grimes, who later gets revealed as being a fallen angel who... wants the real Frankenstein Monster to display in his night club and so he sends an expedition to find the Frankenstein Monster in the North Pole... Again, to DISPLAY HIM IN HIS NIGHT CLUB! C. C. H. Pounder plays a Van Helsing type of character who is constantly calling the police station to tell them that their serial killer that the newspapers call "The Raptor" is actually a vampire.It's just so awe inspiring stupid it has to be a Nostalgia Critic episode.This wasn't even something NBC did for Halloween. It aired in November of 1997. And never got a video release. But you can find the whole thing on Youtube.The person who loaded it to Youtube broke it into Act 1 and Act 2 and each act is broken into about 9 pieces. It was originally a 2 part mini-series. And just about every 90s cliché and trope you can imagine is in it, to remind you that this isn't the version from 1944.There are so many immense plot holes. Werewolfism can be cured by temporarily flatlining a werewolf, The Frankenstein Monster was found in the North Pole (like in Mary Shelley's novel) yet he has to learn to talk like the Universal Studios version even though he's obviously intelligent. All vampires are fallen angels... The supernatural community of this city follow Crispin Grimes even though he has to be the most incompetent demon / vampire ever! It's so deliciously bad it reaches guilty pleasure levels. My favorite part is when the Frankenstein Monster out wits the vampire and his henchmen by letting them think they can hurt him with an electrical shock collar. "They were foolish to think electricity could hurt me." That was actually the most amusing moment in the whole thing. This is so awful it deserves a cult following.
Backlash007 I was surprised to see what a low rating this 4-hour mini got. I found House of Frankenstein '97 to be a very enjoyable waste of time, especially since I had never heard of it before. It's nothing too special, but I would definitely watch it again. I agree with an earlier reviewer that it had the same tone and feel of Kindred: The Embraced. The only flaw of the movie is that it displeases it's target audience. I think they may have forgotten who their target audience was entirely. Horror fans want HORROR!! Despite the fact that monsters are running around the big city, it's not really a horror movie as much as it is a cop drama. But it's an entertaining cop drama. Pasdar is great and he should work more. I've been a fan of his since Near Dark and his short-lived television show, Profit, was nothing less than amazing. The rest of the cast was fine with no one really standing out. The make-up is another story that can be summed up in two words: Greg Cannom. He seems to have recycled some of his work for Bram Stoker's Dracula, but dammit I don't care. It's great. And that's about all I can say about House of Frankenstein '97. I enjoyed this mini-series but I don't think it will ever find an audience. Hopefully it will locate its own niche.
Charmaine Mitchell Anyone who liked Kindred The Embraced should like this mini-series. I found the themes to be somewhat similar and really enjoyed both shows. The acting and story line were very professional and interesting. I consider House of Frankenstein 1997 to be a 'keeper' and have waited impatiently for several years for it to be released to the public.