Hotel de Love
Hotel de Love
R | 07 February 1997 (USA)
Hotel de Love Trailers

10 years ago at a party, Steven thinks he sees the girl of his dreams, Melissa. Just as he's about to make his move, his twin brother Rick gets to her first and they fall in love. Steven watches his brother's relationship bloom, longing for Melissa all the while. Eventually, Melissa leaves to go to college and the brothers go on with their lives. Steven becomes a workaholic to block out his feelings about Melissa and Rick becomes a spineless bellboy at the Hotel de Love, after a later girl friend stood him up at the altar. Enter Steven and Rick's warring parents visiting the Hotel de Love for their anniversary. Re-enter Melissa with her current boyfriend, Norman. Suddenly Rick and Steven have a second chance at Melissa. Also there's Alison the palm reader, Susie behind the counter, the owner/piano player, and the freshly married couple.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
robert-mitchell-195-767132 I've watched this move multiple times, and always come away happy. The fraternal twin brothers (Aden Young and Simon Bossell) are both so different, and yet both yearn for love, they think for the same woman. The brothers' parents are absurd, and show the difficulties when you fail to express what you want and need. Aden Young is beautifully handsome, and Saffron Burrows is stunning; the ache Aden's character feels for her is easy to understand. Simon Bossell's character feels things intensely, but has to learn to look (and wait) for love in the right places. The ending is quite beautiful, even though much of the movie is absurd! I say this is a screwball comedy because the love the brothers' feel makes them act in crazy ways reminding me of Katherine Hepburn's character in Bringing Up Baby. In Bossell's character's case, the love arises absurdly, yet he finds a way to make it all work out. The idea of the movie is that often love is right in front of us, but we can't see it. If you like screwball romantic comedies, and enjoy silliness as well as absurdity in relationships, I think you can't go wrong watching this delightful movie.
George Parker Twin brothers fall in love with the same woman (Burrows) as teens. Fast forward ten years and they own a honeymoon retreat, encounter their old flame who has come for her wedding, and attempt to pick up where they left off in spite of the presence of the groom. What follows in the denouement is a bit clumsy and awkward at times with low end production value and relatively unknown actors. However, factor in some side characters and an ample helping of vintage pop love songs and you have a mildly amusing little flick with some heart which should make an okay small screen watch for those in the mood for romcom fare. Keep expectations real and enjoy. (C+)
Chris-925 The actors who played the brothers in this film really make it. The old guy who played the piano in the hotel was brilliant. His facial expressions are priceless!The ending is just what the doctor ordered!
TDVideo Warning: If you haven't seen this movie, there might be a spoiler in here.Here's the spoiler: In the end everybody is happy! Hope I didn't give anything away there.This is a movie that I would put in a very special category. It may not be the most well made, or well acted movie. It certainly doesn't have the best script. It isn't the funniest movie I've seen, and it isn't the most romantic. But that doesn't matter. I still loved this movie. Some movies weren't meant to be analyzed, they were just meant to be enjoyed.Now on to the plot. The story revolves around twin brothers Stephen and Rick Dunne. Both brothers fall for the same girl when they are teenagers. She moves away and ten years pass. In those ten years, Stephen obsesses over her, and Rick gets stood up at the altar. They all meet again at a tacky hotel where Rick is the manager, and the chase is on.Aside from being a very attractive woman, Melissa never gave me any reason why a person should be in love with her for 10 years. She was just sort of there. Allison, on the other hand, is a person I could see a guy fussing about for way more then 10 years. I loved how Ronny had the perfect song for every occasion in the film. And I still get chills every time I watch that last frame of the movie when the two lovers just say "Hi" to each other.I give this movie a 9/10 just for the sheer reason that I have seen it well over 25 times and I still love watching it every time.